Budgetary Restrictions Jeopardize Participation of Tierra del Fuego Teams in Binational Games and EPADE

Due to budgetary restrictions, the teams that were going to represent the Province in the Araucanía Binational Games and in the EPADE would see their participation in the competitions that will take place in the provinces of Río Negro and La Pampa frustrated.


Less than a week before the start of the 30th edition of the Araucanía Binational Games, the nearly 200 young athletes who qualified to represent Tierra del Fuego in that competition are not guaranteed to participate, since due to the prevailing budget restrictions, the Province It would not have the necessary funds to cover the cost of accommodation and transportation in the cities of the province of Río Negro that will serve as headquarters for different disciplines that are part of the games.

It turned out that the Fuegian Executive began negotiations with an important consortium of oil companies that operate Tierra del Fuego, in order for them to contribute, as a collaboration, the economic resources that guarantee the participation of the Fuegian athletes.

The information that emerged from the Sports Secretariat caused real surprise and discomfort among coaches and athletes, as last Friday they had been formally invited to participate, today in Río Grande and tomorrow in Ushuaia, in the presentation ceremony of the teams for Araucanía and clothing delivery. Furthermore, that same day the itinerary of the flights that were going to transport the athletes from Ushuaia to Neuquén had been released, with departure scheduled for Sunday the 12th and return on Saturday the 18th.

The short time until the start of the competition threatens the possibility of each of the teams trying to manage, on an individual basis, some collaboration that would allow them to give the present. Athletes between 15 and 19 years old from the Provinces of Tierra del Fuego, Santa Cruz, Chubut, Río Negro, Neuquén and La Pampa and from the Chilean Regions of Magallanes, Aysen, Los Lagos, Los Ríos, participate in the Araucanía Games. La Araucanía, Ñuble and Bío Bío.

This competition, the most important in the Argentine-Chilean Patagonian region, includes women’s and men’s athletics, basketball, volleyball, judo, swimming and soccer teams.

Unfortunately, this would not be the only bad news for the athletes of the province, since Tierra del Fuego’s participation in the XVII edition of the EPADE Games and the V edition of the PARAEPADE, which will be held in La Pampa del Fuego, is also at risk. November 26 to December 1.

Athletes between 13 and 17 years old from Tierra del Fuego Río Negro, Neuquén, Santa Cruz, Chubut and La Pampa participate in this competition in the disciplines of basketball, volleyball, judo, soccer, cycling, swimming and athletics, in both branches, and in athletics, swimming, 3×3 chair basketball and boccia.

This year Tierra del Fuego was to host the EPADE. Even at the beginning of September, Governor Melella, accompanied by the Secretary of Sports of the Nation Inés Arrondo, led the launching ceremony of the Patagonian games from the Ushuaia Talent Factory.

A month later, the Secretary of Sports of the Province, Juan Carlos Turdó, announced that Tierra del Fuego had declined to host the EPADE 2023 due to the problems that were being experienced in hiring accommodation, between the 3rd and the 9th. December, for the almost 2,000 people who were going to travel to the Province. In order not to lose the place, a castling of dates was agreed with the Province of La Pampa, which agreed to organize the 2023 edition but between November 26 and December 1 and that Tierra del Fuego organizes the 2024 edition during the coming month of April.

2023-11-06 02:47:49
#Tierra #del #Fuego #participate #Araucanía #EPADE


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