Concerns and Tensions Rise as Boca Juniors Fans Enter Maracaná Stadium

The images of Boca Juniors fans accessing the Maracaná Stadium generated concern. The doors of the Brazilian venue opened an hour earlier than scheduled, around 12 noon, when the entry process was expected to begin at 1:00 p.m. But due to the large number of Xeneize fans who disembarked nearby , they decided to move forward with the procedure. Thousands of fans were waiting in the area, but almost two hours after the first fans entered the problems began.

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The arrival of La 12, the Boca Juniors bar, led to a major conflict that involved the intervention of the Brazilian mounted police, who beat some fans and also launched tear gas. Almost half an hour after the entry of a good part of the popular Xeneize faction, the problems continued in the place.

Upon arrival at the Boca bar, images of Fernando Di Zeo and Mauro Martín, two of the leaders of that sector of the fans, could be seen. As reported by Infobae in the last few hours, the visible faces of the popular traveled during the early hours of this Saturday on a charter flight that included about 100 more members of the bar. They previously made contact with immigration and security authorities from the neighboring country, who would be waiting for them in Brazil around five in the morning. The group was expected to travel under escort from the airport to the two hotels where they will stay. In a five-star one just ten minutes from the stadium there will be the first 20 lines of the bar, the rest will have another of lesser value.

Tension at the arrival of La 12 to the Maracaná

“I don’t understand the Police, why they stop there, they are causing the problem. They are holding everyone back, letting them release little by little,” said a fan who traveled to Brazil to watch the game in conversation with the TN channel. “We are suffering from the gases, they treat us like criminals. We were able to cross with the children, but my wife stayed there. I don’t know what they want to control,” complained another fan who was with his son.

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It must be remembered that on Thursday afternoon there were scenes of violence that generated maximum concern in the streets of Rio de Janeiro when a group of Fluminense fans ambushed Boca fans who were on the beaches. Then, the Police repressed the Argentines. This led to an emergency meeting between Conmebol, Argentine soccer authorities and their Brazilian counterparts, in order to calm the situation.

The presidents of Xeneize and Fluminense, Jorge Amor Ameal and Mario Bittencourt, recorded a joint video to ask that the biases calm down. “Ask people to please respect their opponent, this is not a war, this is a very important thing, a football match. We love the Brazilian people very much and we want them to love us too. Some violent people want to change what has a history of life. “We want happiness,” said the top executive of the Argentine entity.

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Hours later, the Flu groups issued a statement calling for peace. “A pact was signed to immediately cease conflicts with Boca Juniors fans. Regardless of nationality, rivalry cannot tolerate acts of cowardice, whether against the history of indigenous and black people, or against families,” they said through social networks.

Tension at the arrival of 12 to the Maracana

The newspaper O’Globo reported in the last few hours that, at the same time that fans were expected to access the stadium, the Public Ministry and the Civil Police of Rio de Janeiro carried out various actions in the city to prevent acts of violence. violence. “One of the main targets of the action is a member of an organized Vasco fan base, who published threats to Fluminense fans on social media,” said journalist Athos Moura. “We did work representing the search and seizure of materials related to crimes and we had court orders issued at the home of one of those involved in the publications that went viral and Torcida Jovem do Vasco,” declared the head of the Computer Crime Suppression Station. (DRCI), Luiz Lima.

The security forces used actions against members of the largest organized fans of Fluminense, Vasco da Gama and Flamengo. “All fans are prohibited from entering the stadiums and have also been prohibited from participating in any event related to the Copa Libertadores final. The Military Police will act in the party venues to prevent the entry of these fans,” they said.

2023-11-04 17:32:17
#Tension #runup #final #Boca #Juniors #Fluminense #riots #entrance #Maracaná #Stadium


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