Diego Schwartzman Announces Main Coach for 2024 Season

By Tomás Rodríguez CoutoNov 21, 2023, 2:17 pmReading: 2 min.

Diego Schwartzman, facing 2024.EFE/EPA

The Argentinian Diego Schwartzman It is already facing the 2024 season. This time, he Little He confirmed who will be his main coach for next season.

Is about Leonardo Olguinthe same one who knew how to travel with the Argentine, until March 2021, in many weeks during the period of work with Juan Ignacio Chela.

Precisely, in September of this year Schwartzman’s work relationship with Chela ended after seven years and he traveled, since October, with Bruno Tibertiincluding a good Asian tour.

In fact, as far as he could tell ESPNTenis.comTiberti will continue to be part of the team that will begin the preseason in December, although it remains to be confirmed during which weeks each one would travel with whoever was the Top 10 in the ATP world.

At the same time, Olguín had closed a long period of work with Camilo Ugo Carabelli in April of this season, a link that had as its peak the arrival from qualifying to the second round of Roland Garros in 2022, but also with regularity to get into the Top 100.

Olguín, leader of the High Performance Training Center at Florida Tennis Club, will continue training to the Colombian Nicolás Mejía and the Mexican Rodrigo Pacheco (who, at the same time, also works with Franco Davin). Therefore, the importance of finishing elucidating each relationship tour by tour, once the preseasons are already part of the past.

2023-11-21 17:17:00
#Diego #Schwartzman #confirmed #coach


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