F1 GP Las Vegas, a manhole breaks Sainz’s Ferrari. Free practice cancelled, what happened – Corriere.it

by Daniele Sparisci

Difficult start for F1 on the brand new Las Vegas circuit, the Spanish driver was stopped after 10 minutes due to a track problem. Fp1 deleted

The show of shows in Las Vegas, but the start of a nightmare weekend for Formula 1 and Ferrari. The first free practice session on the brand new track on the Strip lasted just ten minutes.

Then the FIA ​​imposed the red flag for safety reasons, when a manhole cover lifted, damaging Carlos Sainz’s Ferrari. The Spaniard’s car stopped after passing along the straight, and the knock that led to the engine stopping was clearly heard on the onboard. Other drivers before Carlos, including Ocon and Leclerc, had complained before after passing through that stretch. What caused the Ferrari driver’s stop – explained the Federation – was the asphalt frame of a manhole which came off hitting the bottom of the car: a dangerous dynamic. The activity on the track will not start again until the inspection of all the manholes on the circuit has been completed.

Las Vegas is a 6.2 km long city track, for good stretches covered by asphalt, like in Monte Carlo. The verification operation, which involves the staff, takes a long time and could change this Friday’s program, leading to an extension of the second free practice session whose start is scheduled for 9am (here are the weekend times). Nevada is the third race on the calendar in the USA, the track is an absolute novelty and has nothing to do with the one that hosted the 1981 and 1982 editions of the Las Vegas GP (the last one won by Alboreto).

November 17, 2023 (modified November 17, 2023 | 06:49)

2023-11-17 05:25:47
#Las #Vegas #manhole #breaks #Sainzs #Ferrari #Free #practice #cancelled #happened #Corriere.it


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