Firenze to Build New Multi-Purpose Gym with 3 Million Euro Investment

The 1400 square meter multi-purpose gym will be built with an investment of over 3 million euros

A Firenze there will be one new two hundred seat gym for basketball and volleyballwith a’green area of ​​approximately 4500 square meters. The new structure, built according to the principles of green building and maximum energy efficiency, will be built in via del Mezzetta, thanks to a investment by the municipal administration of over 3 million euros (400 thousand euros will come from the Tuscany Region, thanks to FSC regional funds).

This morning the visit to the construction site took place with the mayor Dario Nardella, the president of Tuscany Eugenio Giani, the sports councilor Cosimo Guccione, the education councilor Sara Funaro and the president of District 2 Michele Pierguidi.

The area where the new gym will be built, owned by the Metropolitan City, is part of the Peano-Gramsci-Saffi higher education hub. The design solution involves the creation of a new multipurpose gym (which will have a surface area of ​​1400 square metres) to be allocated to sporting activities in support of the higher education center and which responds to the needs of the territory for the activities of the competitive basketball and volleyball championships. The Metropolitan City and the Municipality are formalizing an agreement which provides, in exchange for the construction of the new gym by the latter at the expense of the latter, free use by the municipal administration for a period of years commensurate with the size of the investment.

“The gym will improve and strengthen the entire system of sports facilities in the Campo di Marte district, which is also very developed here – declared the mayor Nardella – If Florence is at the top in Italy for sportsmanship index it is because themunicipal administration invests heavily in systems for the different disciplines. We will continue to do so because we think not only of young people, but also of the less young and because investing in sport means investing in healthcare. One euro spent in sport saves three euros on healthcare, because it keeps people healthy.”

“In just a few years – he underlined councilor Guccione – the municipal administration has supported a significant amount of interventions in sports facilities. The new gym in via del Mezzetta will be a point of reference for the entire district. It is a system that lowers costs, because it is designed with energy saving systems, a structure that seeks to benefit young people, students and those who want to undertake activities. It will be available to the population for sporting and leisure needs.”

“We contributed approximately 400 thousand euros to the realization of the intervention of the Municipality of Florence which stands as a qualification for the promotion of sport in the relationship with the school, with the important space for disabled people and the attention to new construction technologies such as green building and energy efficiency. The new gym financed, as regards the regional contribution, with the Development and Cohesion Fund, is one of the interventions with which the Region supports the initiatives of local authorities to bring sport closer to citizens and promote healthy lifestyles”, said the president Eugenio Giani.

The new gym, with space for sporting activities adequate to the size of a regulation basketball court, will be completed with support rooms for sporting activities and public entertainment events. Access to the gym will be differentiated for the public and athletes and, for the sporting part, three changing rooms for athletes and two referee changing rooms will be created, with toilets and showers with the equipment required by sports regulations, an infirmary and two office rooms; For the spectator area there are toilets sized for accessibility and an entrance area with refreshment area. The technical and service rooms will be located on the side opposite public access.

All systems will be based on the maximum containment of energy needs and oriented towards the use of renewable energies capable of obtaining a high class energy certification. The objective, explains the Municipality, is to achieve structures that are as self-sufficient as possible reducing the purchase of external energy and water sources to the essentials with the possibility of substantial savings in heating, summer air conditioning, drinking water consumption and lighting, as well as aiming to reduce and release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

2023-10-31 22:52:20
#Florence #del #Mezzetta #200seat #gym #basketball #volleyball


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