Florencio Varela Judo Shines at the Metropolitan Open Championship

The Olympic Park of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires witnessed a display of talent and dedication by the Varela judo team last Saturday, October 28, within the framework of World Judo Day. Organized by the Metropolitan Federation, the tournament brought together athletes from various Buenos Aires schools and those from Uruguay, giving rise to a high-caliber competition.

Said Góngora, Benjamín Ledesma, Amir and Jeremías Rolón emerged as true protagonists by winning the gold medal in their respective categories. An achievement that not only highlights their skill on the tatami, but also the effort and dedication they have invested in their preparation.

The young Said Góngora, only 10 years old, radiated enthusiasm when recounting his experience: “I arrived very excited. I gave everything in every fight. The effort and hours of training were worth it.” A testimony of determination and passion that reflects the promising career of this young athlete, resident in Pico de Oro, who longs to continue learning and emulate his distinguished teachers.

Emmanuel Cárdenes, another of Varela’s outstanding judokas, shared his perspective on the tournament: “It was a positive experience, full of challenges.” For this young man from San Nicolás, the competition represented an opportunity to face high-level opponents from dojos of recognized competitiveness. His focus on his strength as a key factor in his preparation speaks to the meticulousness with which each judoka approaches his discipline.

Florencio Varela’s judo at the top of the Metropolitan Open.

Varela judo at the top

The feeling of representing Florencio Varela in this competition was no less important for Cárdenes, who highlighted: “It was a great responsibility to represent Florencio Varela, the place where I was born.” A commitment that goes beyond individual results and reflects the deep roots of these athletes in their community.

Cristian Martínez, the team’s coordinator, did not spare his praise for the team: “Beyond the results, it was a super enriching event for the students in sports and humanity.” Highlighting the consolidation of the group not only on the tatami, but also as a community united by its passion for judo.

The unconditional support of the Municipality of Florencio Varela and the trust of the families in the judo team did not go unnoticed. Martínez was grateful for this constant support that allows these young athletes to shine in high-level competitions.

Joaquín Fernández, Kaled Góngora, Valentín Martínez, Agustín Alberti, Julio Perea and Danna Céspedes, the only female representative of the contest, also left an indelible mark in this competition. Her bravery and determination are testament to the growth and promotion of judo in Florencio Varela.

Varela judo continues its rise on the sporting scene, consolidating itself as a benchmark of excellence and dedication in each fight. The community cannot but feel proud of these athletes who carry the name of Florencio Varela high in every competition.

2023-11-01 13:55:48
#Brilliant #participation #Varelense #judo #team #Metropolitan #Open


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