Former Commander of Rocca di Papa Local Police Reflects on Three Years of Work in Press Conference

Published: Thursday, November 16, 2023 – current affairs editorial team

Rocca di Papa (current events) – The former commander wanted to take stock of the work carried out for three years in the municipality

The former commander of the Local Police (now an official in the capital of Rome and commander of the Municipality of Nemi) in a passionate press conference this morning, in the presence of the local and national press, wanted to take stock of his three-year work at the municipality of the Castelli Romani.

“Together with the mayor Veronica Cimino and the chief prosecutor Giancarlo Amato – as Di Bella himself declared – a great job had been done to enforce legality in various areas. It got to the point that I was placed under protection by the Security Committee of Rome, presided over by the prefect, after receiving threats after the election of the mayor Veronica Cimino”.

In Giancarlo Boldacchini’s video we see the introduction of the press conference held by the official of the Roma Capitale Local Police, who had managed to create the ‘Palazzina della Legalità’ in Rocca di Papa, as he himself states, with great pride, at their command. . “We also often met with the mayor Cimino – says Di Bella – to establish the public procedures to be implemented in collaboration with the other law enforcement agencies, always respecting all the regulations in force. The Palazzina della Legalità which was also visited by the chief prosecutor Giancarlo Amato at its inauguration in 2021. The chief prosecutor who complimented the local police commander and the municipal administration led by the mayor Veronica Cimino for the excellent idea completed”.

Regarding today’s press conference, updates will follow in the next few hours.

2023-11-16 17:14:21
#Rocca #Papa #commander #Local #Police #Bella #returns #speak #press #conference #topic #legality


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