Friol coach suspended for 40 games

The coach systematically failed to comply with the sanctions that she had been carrying since the first day and was chaining aggravating factors

11 nov 2023 . Updated at 10:46 p.m.

The coach of the women’s soccer club Friol He has been suspended for more than 40 games since this league began. The first sanction was imposed on María Covadonga Regueiro Neira, Covi already in the first game for confronting an assistant and for entering the referee’s locker room. Then came the others, among other things for giving instructions to her players from the stands via a mobile phone even though she was suspended. The club admits that in this last case they committed an irregularity, but maintain that the sanction after the first match was unfair and they consider themselves victims of persecution.

The long list of infractions that the sports justice system imputes to the coach of this club, the Peluquería Mixta Friol, who competes in the first group of the Third Federation, appears in the minutes of the disciplinary decisions adopted on November 8 by the sole competition judge. The list starts with that first match, the one that pitted Friol against Victory of A Coruña, after which she was punished with a two-game suspension. The following Sunday she received the second sanction, this time lasting four games because, although she did not sit on the bench, she continued the match in the stands, from where she gave instructions with a cell phone and headphones.

The fourth sanction, already eight games, came on October 11. And, two weeks later, came the fifth, of eight more games. Finally, and after the match played on November 4, they imposed the most important one, 20 matches. In the minutes of November 8, the single judge justifies it as follows: “Given the contumacious attitude, persisting on the occasion of the match held on November 4, 2023, in the infraction contemplated in article 110.1 e) of the Disciplinary Code, it is imposes a 20-game suspension (110.2) with an accessory fine to the club (article 52.5).”

The accumulation of all these punishments adds up to 42 suspension games. The Friol coach has already stopped practicing to comply with these resolutions. To replace her, the president of the club temporarily sits on the bench, Angel Villar.

The first game, key

The top manager of the club acknowledges that “we are aware that we have committed an illegality, but the wording of the minutes of the first match we played in A Coruña against Victoria does not conform to reality, and that is why Covi was suspended for the first two matches ».

Villar y her own coach said that at no point did she address herself in a despective manner, nor did she insult the assistant, nor did she enter the collegiate’s dressing room. «This first sanction is the only one that is not harsh. For the rest, I recognize that I had instructions for the pinganillo and I took the heater», assures Covi Regueiro.

In the next match, played on September 20, the coach was in the stands and gave orders to the delegate via mobile phone. The referee reflected it in the minutes and he lost four more games. Afterwards, several meetings passed and nothing happened.

But the next match at home came, and then the problems returned. He gave instructions and she was suspended with 8 more matches. “The only problems we have are at home. On the Thursday before the match we played, the referee delegate from Lugo told me that Covi could be in the warm-up and in the changing room and, from outside the facility, he could say whatever he wanted. That’s how it was done, but it turns out that during the game the delegate sent me a wasap in which he told me to consult the committee and they told him that he couldn’t do any of the three things. And I couldn’t see it until the end”, adds Villar.

The referee reflected the situation in the minutes, and the sole judge, as a result of these events, suspended the coach for eight games. And the last sanction for repetition ends with 20 games.

Unrest within the club

The president of the entity admits that he is the only one to blame for this situation. “We talked about dismissing Covi as a coach, but as a result of what the referee delegate told us, we didn’t do it, and what happened happened”, says the president.

Villar charges against the arbitral tribunal. “We admit that we committed an illegality, but our complaint comes from the drafting of the minutes. If the referees make mistakes, they justify them by saying that they protested one of my decisions. They lead women’s football reluctantly”, he asserts.

Filed in: Friol

2023-11-11 21:36:00
#Friol #coach #suspended #games


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