Gabriele Bellandi: The Torneo King of the Ring Champion from Volpiano, Italy

In Borås, Sweden, he was one of the kings. The torneo King of the Ringwhich he saw in the race 500 athletes from all over the worldis one of the most important international events and Gabriele Bellandi was the absolute protagonist, winning the gold medal in the 54 kg. The 15 year old from Volpiano has arrived in Scandinavia with the company team Rome Boxing TorreAngela, led by Alessandro El Moety and showed off some very effective boxing, beating the Englishman Leroy Alfred in the semi-final and the other Briton Jimmy Sheridan in the final. «Master El Moety – explains Gabriele – is allowing me to travel the world and have fantastic sporting experiences. I showed up in Borås in splendid shape and spent days in the company of talented boxers, such as Anthony El Moety, Marzio El Moety, Noemi Traniello, Manuel Treccama and Jacopo Loborgo. I had confirmation that the work we do at the Boxing Academy with Roberto Lavecchia works. The teacher is changing my perspective, training me every day, to enhance my best qualities and complete my repertoire of shots”.

of war in recent weeks he has also worked hard on his weight and physical preparation :«Domenico Agresta has been following me as a trainer since my judo days and we worked with him more than sixteen hours a week, always in contact with the nutritionist Felicina Biorci. All together we won a great challenge, because I retained the strength of a Leo, despite having lost eight kilos”.

2023-11-07 17:50:36
#Gabriele #Bellandi #star #born #15yearold #boxer #triumphs #King #Ring #Tournament #Sweden #Turin #News


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