«I want to pass the company down to my son. Excellent relationship with Sarri. Derby? They’re troublemakers, we’re not.”

In the aftermath of the victory against Feyenoord of her LazioPresident Lotito he returned to speak and did so in full force to the official microphones of the Serie A League targeting Sunday’s big match against the Roma: «For us the derby it’s a championship within the championship, it’s an important match. I hope that the team regains that unity of purpose and spirit of unity to give great satisfaction to our fans who deserve such behavior. Last year we were largely satisfied with what we achieved. The derby to which I am most attached? That of 26 maggio. The people of Lazio seem less involved, they suffer in silence. Instead, the other side is more noisy, it emphasizes situations and if it doesn’t reach its goal it disappears.”


Lotito talks about the individuals: from Immobile to Romagnoli

Team returning from three golden points in the Champions League thanks to the 200th goal of Immobile: «I have a family relationship with him, there is no intention of sending him away. I am surprised that he can go to Arabia, I have a contract with him, it should also be reconciled with the will of the club. Ciro is a family person, I have great affection for him, then in football bad moments happen. I am convinced that he will be fundamental again.” There is also room for Luis Alberto: «He is a very special person. By sending Milinkovic away he went up a step. Then lately he puts in determination, passion, spirit of sacrifice.” Felipe Anderson: He’s a golden boy who I’m close to, we have an affinity, he’s very religious. There is a willingness to renew, now we have to find a meeting point.” In the end Cataldi e Romagnoli: «We took Danilo back and he took the path he deserved to take.

Alessio is also from Lazio, he made a heartfelt choice.”

Lotito on Sarri: «We have a good relationship. More must be done against the small ones”

Impossible not to talk about Sarri: «He is a great football teacher, a master, a fundamentalist and he gets along well with me. We have heated confrontations, but we have never argued because you respect me. I am a president who is a president, who after 20 years is able to understand what the team’s needs are. This year he was asking Ricci e Berardi. I tried to get them, but I received requests that were beyond any logic. I don’t think the players we got are less than Zielinski, which is still on the market and has no buyers. It’s a job that requires more commitment on your part. The paradox is that the team won against the big teams and lost against the small ones.”

On Lazio and his son Enrico: «I have always been a fan and I want to pass the club down to Enrico»

«I have been a Lazio fan since I was five years old – repeats Lotito – and in that period they were not sailing in calm waters. This was a driving force when I was proposed this challenge by President Berlusconi. He was a genius, where he intervened he brought results. For me it was an extreme challenge, which intrigued me. In the end I accepted it.” And again: «I didn’t gain any advantage from Lazio, in fact I lost a lot, around 50 billion lire is what I put into the company when I joined. Then I paid 550 million in debt to take over Lazio. I put a lot of feeling into it. I capitalized the company because I want to pass it down to my son, who is a passionate Lazio native. Today Enrico has entered the system, he takes care of the youth sector. He is a boy who has a lot of desire. He graduated in Law and will soon become a lawyer, even if he doesn’t practice.”

Lotito and on the threats and the fans: «I’m used to it now. The fans aren’t what they used to be.” The owner finally lashes out against the threats he receives on the phone: “I only have three cell phones, they are linked to various activities: football, companies and private life. Nuisance people, on the other hand, call at all hours of the day and night. I’m used to it now, even though I get death threats and other unpleasant things. It’s been 20 years… To a normal person they inspire fear, I’m used to it. The more they do this, the more I become a person who wants to enforce respect for the rules and the institution. I am a fighter, when I entered this world I saw absurd situations experienced as if they were normal. The fan can criticize, but in my opinion never slander. This denotes a paucity of quality in the people. We must recover the true sporting culture. The fan of yesteryear was tied to the color of a shirt, he espoused a position for life. Today it’s all about appearing and that’s it. The escort? You get used to it. It involves some limitations on your privacy, but it’s part of my role.”

1970-01-01 00:00:00
#pass #company #son #Excellent #relationship #Sarri #Derby #Theyre #troublemakers


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