“Jiří worded it unfortunately,” says coach Karaivanov, correcting Procházka’s words

The ending of the Procházka vs Pereira fight was heavily criticized by the community, but Jiří himself said after the fight that he was out and that he agreed with the referee’s decision. However, according to the coach, it was an unfortunate wording, which was actually confirmed by Jiří himself, who subsequently spoke a little differently about the termination.

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“For me personally it was ended too early, the referee should have let it go. It was a unique tournament, plus a title match at Madison Square Garden, so the stakes were high. The end was really premature. I understand that a person can whistle, but… Jirka did say that he was out, but he phrased it unhappily. Maybe he was a little off from those elbows, but then again, in which of his matches hasn’t he been?

His legs fell, but the footage showed that he sensed his opponent immediately afterwards. I spoke to him and he confirmed to me that when he fell on his back, he saw Pereira normally and was aware that he had to get up. He was simply conscious and the decision was hasty.

There’s no point in talking about what if… But in my opinion, he would have gotten over it and everything would have been different. But that’s not whining on my part, we’ve come to terms with it, it’s just a statement. We are reconciled and settled with it,” coach Martin Karaivaov spoke to Max MMA.

We’ll probably agree that the ending was a bit premature, but Goddard had his reasons for doing it. It doesn’t matter now. The team takes it as it is and is ready to move on and focus on the next preparation.

Jiří and his statement regarding termination

“Hello everyone. I just wanted to thank you all this way. Thank you very much for your support. This is just motivation for me, nothing else. Marc Goddard made the right decision. Maybe two or three more seconds and it would have been different, but what happened happened. I accept it. Follow me now. I will be back and stronger than ever. Thanks for support,” he sent Jiří Procházek an encouraging message on Sunday, in which he indicated that if he could get a few extra seconds, he would get out of the crisis.

A few days later, Jiří spoke to Sport.cz about the topic again, and now in a slightly different way. “He could have entered it at first like 2-4 seconds after he finally ended it. I know by my nature that I can turn the worst situation around in a match, and knowing this information, the referee should not have stopped it before I was totally out and my opponent was beating me like a corpse. Only then can he stop it. I believe I would still turn it around. I made a mistake and paid for it.”


2023-11-20 21:12:25
#Jiří #worded #coach #Karaivanov #correcting #Procházkas #words


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