Juliane Gleboczyk wins silver at Judo World Championships in Abu Dhabi – Overcoming Challenges to Achieve Success

There is great joy about the silver medal in Abu Dhabi: Juliane Gleboczyk won the runner-up title in the over 30s at the Judo World Championships in the Persian Gulf. “I still can’t really realize it,” admitted the Prenzlau native. “It was a great experience, combined with mental strain that cost a lot of energy.”

“Mom, you can do it.”

For the 42-year-old, it was her third participation in a world championship – and her most successful one to date. And this despite the fact that the athlete had previously been out of action for eight weeks. “I had a nasty illness from which I was slow to recover despite antibiotics and which almost cost me my participation in the World Cup. My son Luis, with whom I carefully trained to have a chance, gave me a lot of encouragement. He was convinced that I would still be able to do it.”

Before the first fight, the excitement was particularly bad, even though Juliane Gleboczyk, she reported, already knew her opponent from other tournaments. Sufficient sleep and a respectful attitude were important for her concentration on the tatami (mat). “Then it started and I thought, just get it all out.”

More than a sheet metal place

The coach and very successful judoka Sigmar Klamann from the Prenzlauer Judo-Sportverein eV said: “I am very proud of Juliane, I am pleased that she has rewarded herself and was able to win more than a thankless place for herself.” Also coach Olaf Arndt’s joy at becoming runner-up in the world championship was written all over his face. It was he who was able to get the Prenzlau native excited about the sport of her youth again ten years ago. “I was convinced that Juliane could be successful. She has a lot of strength and stamina.” The athlete owes this to the strength training with Mike Förster. “If Juliane now works on the missing 20 percent in technology, she can become world champion,” Olaf Arndt is certain.

Next chance in Las Vegas

The chance for this will be in Las Vegas in the USA in 2024. Another big trip that would not be possible for the single mother without financial support. With Tom Kurzeia from the waste disposal company Prenzlauer Schrott-Recycling GmbH, she has a sponsor who values ​​cooperation with regional sports clubs. “It is a matter of the heart to help the athletes and enable them to take part in competitions. Jule is consistently successful, so it will be a pleasure for us to send her to Vegas too,” said the entrepreneur.

2023-11-10 16:22:45
#Prenzlauer #judo #ace #vice #world #champion


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