Mauricie-et-du-Centre-du-Québec Community Mobilizes for 12 Days of Action Against Violence Against Women

COMMUNITY. The Mauricie-et-du-Centre-du-Québec Integrated University Health and Social Services Center (CIUSSS MCQ) and all partner members of the intersectoral committee on sexual assault and domestic violence are mobilizing to occasion of the 12 days of action against violence against women.

This annual campaign takes place between November 25 (International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) and December 6 (National Day of Remembrance and Action against Violence Against Women) to pay tribute to the victims of the Polytechnique. The population is invited to wear the white ribbon throughout the campaign in support of the cause.

To follow up on their success last year, self-defense initiation activities will once again be offered to women and teenagers aged 14 and over, this time throughout the region. These activities are presented in collaboration with the Trois-Rivières police department and martial arts schools in the region.

“We give tools to women who want to increase their sense of safety and identify the warning signs of a physical confrontation. We saw the benefits of the workshops last year; the participants gain confidence, they leave the Dojos with this gleam in their eyes of seeing that they are capable of asserting themselves and achieving things they did not suspect. In addition, the activities are done with pleasure,” indicates Hangie Jacques, domestic violence prevention officer for the Trois-Rivières police department.

The activities are offered free of charge from November 25 to December 3 by Judo Drummondville; Fujiyama Dojo (Trois-Rivières); Yoseikan (Trois-Rivières); Seïkidokan Judo Club of Trois-Rivières; Dojo Noritsudokan of Trois-Rivières; Ghishintaido Judo Club of Shawinigan; Taekwon-do Club of Saint-Grégoire and Judo Club of Victoriaville.

The deadline for registrations is November 23; the seats are limited. To register, complete the registration form.

Cyberviolence: a new workshop

New this year, the CALACS Entraid’Action in Shawinigan, Mékinac and Haute-Mauricie is offering two free interactive workshops, on November 28 in Sainte-Thècle and November 29 in Shawinigan, on the prevention of cyberviolence, a crucial subject in the digital age. This workshop aims to raise participants’ awareness of different forms of cyberviolence, such as cyberharassment, non-consensual distribution of intimate images and identity theft, as well as ways to protect yourself from it. Women wishing to participate can register by completing the registration form.

Help available at all times

To get help, there are several support services available:

SOS Domestic Violence 1 800 363-9010 for a referral to shelters in the region; 811 (Info-social section) at any time to obtain psychosocial assistance; The Women’s Center near you, consult L’R des Centers de femmes du Québec Le CAVAC near you at 1 866 LE CAVAC; RQCALACS — Quebec grouping of support centers and the fight against sexual assault 1 877 717-5252; The ESPACE À coeur d’homme group – Men’s support network for a violence-free society 1 877 660-7799.

These resources can listen, advise, support or even offer accommodation.

2023-11-01 15:12:50
#days #action #violence #women #organized


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