Paris Olympics: plane crashes, heatwave, chemical attack… 15,000 soldiers to deal with all scenarios

The Paris Olympic Games are the event of a lifetime for an athlete. But for the army, the 2024 Olympics (July 26 – August 11) constitute an operation of exceptional scale. An exceptional security event, where 15,000 soldiers, including 10,000 in Île-de-France alone, will be deployed to secure all of the competition sites. A figure announced Thursday afternoon by the military governor of Paris, General Christophe Abad, during a press conference to present the missions dedicated to the armed forces.

Behind his desk, the officer appears in fatigues. At the end of the morning, General Abad completed the Coubertin exercise, organized at Camp des Loges in Saint-Germain-en-Laye (Yvelines) but also in Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône). Objective of this simulation dedicated to the Olympics launched on Monday November 13? Work on all possible crisis scenarios during the Games.

Worked crisis scenarios

“Plane crashes, drone attacks, disruptive movements in front of military areas, a heatwave or a chemical agent leak,” lists the military governor. We even worked on a plan where four soldiers were killed in Lebanon by an explosive device and where a tribute ceremony took place at Les Invalides, in the presence of the Head of State, right during the Olympics. We didn’t go as far as working on a Third World War, but we imagined many scenarios. »

Multiple scenarios for forces obliged to have an eye everywhere in the summer of 2024. On land, where the Sentinel force, which patrols the territory on a daily basis, will constitute “the backbone” of the patrols during the Games. But also in the air. Awacs radar planes will be in the skies, accompanied by Reaper surveillance drones to watch for possible threats. On the ground, Rafales and Mirages will be ready to take off if necessary.

The military will also take care of the fight against drones with a system already tested during the Rugby World Cup, where they jammed 25 drones that entered prohibited areas. A new Coubertin exercise devoted solely to this subject will take place in the spring.

Soldiers will also be deployed on the water. In Tahiti, to ensure security and prevent intruders from approaching the site where the surfing competitions will be held. Also in Marseille, to monitor the arrival of the Olympic flame on May 8 and the body of water where the sailing competitions will take place. A group of clearance divers will operate in the waters of Bouches-du-Rhône.

The military will also have a role in the opening ceremony, since they will inspect the hulls of the ships which will parade on the Seine on the evening of July 26. Finally, a battalion will be dedicated to medal ceremonies, where they will have to hoist the flags of the athletes’ nations on the podium.

A plan in progress to replace the missing security guards

A very significant human deployment which will begin in the spring and which will require significant logistical resources. A military camp, capable of accommodating up to 5,000 people, will be set up on the Reuilly lawn in Paris. “A valuable site, located near the preparation area for the opening ceremony where the athletes will board,” underlines General Christophe Abad.

But these missions are expected to become even heavier. The Olympic Organizing Committee (Cojo) has launched its fourth and final wave of calls for tenders to award private security contracts. A sector which suffers from a lack of manpower, and where it seems illusory to imagine that the organizers will find the 17,000 agents needed on average daily during the Olympics. And in the event of failure, recourse to the armed forces is planned.

“These 15,000 soldiers correspond to the needs expressed in the state. This does not mean that there will not be other missions, in private security or elsewhere, underlines the military governor of Paris. I’m not a guesser, but vigilant about how this will be covered. We are now thinking about scenarios in the event of a failure of private security. »


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