Revitalizing the Gars Tennis Hall: A Labor of Love and Community Investment

As the Horner NÖN reported at the end of July, the Luxembourger Marie Anne Thilmany and her husband, the Swiss Horst Laich, bought the hall built in 1987/88 by fitness pope Willi Dungl, which the community acquired after his death, from the community because The two – now settled in Thunau – “want to give something back to their homeland because we have experienced so many good things here”. And they have invested heavily in renovation. Thilmany doesn’t want to give an exact amount because a number of trades have not yet been invoiced, but one can assume that it is in the hundreds of thousands of euros.

And there was a lot to do, as Thilmany and the two hall managers Julius Lovric and Erich Pisker report: “The entire sanitary area was renewed, some were also re-tiled, all the electrical systems such as the heating were brought up to date The sewer was renovated, the ventilation renewed, as well as the lighting, the roof was sealed and the martens were driven away – hopefully forever, a new gate with an escape door was installed, video cameras were installed – and of course the whole building was given a general cleaning.

All of this is of course important for tennis players, but the most important thing is the courts. The old sand was removed from all three and the layer was removed down to the grade material, then leveled and the entire area asphalted. A “Red Court”, a 14 millimeter high carpet surface, similar to artificial turf, was laid on top – twice, because the first time there were problems due to a material defect – and filled with fine red quartz sand so that you can slide, similar to outdoor pitches. “The best there is in the surrounding area,” says the managing director. And Lovric and Pisker, both passionate tennis players, confirm: “It plays just like on a clay court.” All three agree and can proudly say: “Nothing better could have happened for Gars!”

Also important for the time after the match: the catering. At the moment you still have to make do without it, but in December there will be a tenant who will not only take care of the physical well-being of the tennis players, but will also be happy to host guests from Gars who might come by on a hike or who are heading to the hall .

When and how can you use the hall? Registration can be done online via the TCG website, but is also possible by telephone. You receive a code with which you can open the door and enter the hall. Games are open daily from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.

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Photo: Rupert Kornell Photo: Erich Pisker Advertisement

Winter season opened

Starting signal for the tennis season in Garser Halle. With an investment running into hundreds of thousands of euros, Marie Anne Thilmany and Horst Laich saved the Gars tennis hall. These days there were the first services, volleys and stops – and also some net and outballs.

2023-11-21 06:00:00
#Winter #season #opens #starting #signal #tennis #season #Garser #Halle


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