Three Killed in Partial Collapse of Fitness Gym in Huanan County

CCTV News Client reported that at 0:35 on November 7, the rescue was completed at the scene of the partial collapse of the Yuecheng Fitness Gym in Huanan County. When the accident occurred, there were seven people at the scene, three of whom escaped on their own, one was slightly injured, and three were killed.

The venue where the accident occurred belongs to the New Sunshine Fitness Club in Huanan County, and the person in charge of the club has been controlled by the police. The cause of the accident is under further investigation.

At 22:44 on November 6, the Information Office of the Huanan County Government in Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province issued a situation report: At 19:20 on November 6, a partial collapse occurred in the Yuecheng Fitness Gym in Huanan County. Three people are currently trapped. The government and fire departments are working hard to rescue people in the snow.

According to CCTV News, the gymnasium building is a two-story frame structure with a construction area of ​​about 2,000 square meters. The collapsed location was the basketball area on the second floor on the west side, with the collapsed area of ​​about 500 square meters.

According to Chengshi Interactive News, Mr. Chen, a witness at the scene, said that he was playing games at home when the incident occurred. His family suddenly heard a loud noise, and Mr. Chen hurried downstairs to the scene. “My home is not far from the gymnasium, and I can see it anyway.” , something happened in the gymnasium.”

Mr. Chen arrived next to the stadium and saw that someone was already helping.

“There were people all around, and I saw two people being rescued one after another. But it’s too cold now, and they are all wrapped in down jackets, but they can still feel it. The injuries are quite serious.”

The gym where the incident occurred is actually a large arena where you can play basketball, badminton, and table tennis. “I have also played there. It costs 10 yuan an hour during the day. This arena is quite big, and it should be quite new.” It’s not that old arena.”

Mr. Chen said that there are two or three gyms like this in the local area, and most of the people who go to the gym to play are young people.

According to Chao News, a video showed that the outer wall of the building with a collapsed roof had the words “Ape Giant Youth Sports Center” printed in red. Amap shows that the sports center is located on the second floor of the National Fitness Gymnasium in Yuecheng Plaza, Huanan County, Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province.

Live footage provided by Mr. Wang

Witness Mr. Wang said that after the incident, fire trucks, ambulances and other rescue forces arrived at the scene quickly, and the rescue was being carried out in heavy snow. “Everyone said it was a snowstorm today.” Mr. Wang said that it started snowing locally last night and continues until now.

Editor: Ying Hongyuan

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2023-11-07 01:51:02
#gymnasium #Heilongjiang #collapsed #people #killed #club #controlled #police #Yuyao #News #Network


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