Veolia Towers Hamburg Suffers Sixth Defeat in Eurocup

Hamburg (dpa/lno) – The Veolia Towers Hamburg have to continue to wait for their first win this season in the Eurocup. The Bundesliga basketball team lost 78:90 (44:48) to Besiktas Emlakjet Istanbul on Wednesday and suffered their sixth defeat in their sixth game. This means that the Hamburg team slips to tenth and last place in the A group. The Hanseatic League’s best thrower was Aleksander Dziewa with 21 points.

The Towers acted very concentrated right from the start and even took the lead a few times in the first quarter. The second ten minutes were similar. It was only shortly before the break that the hosts managed to pull away and go into the locker room with a narrow lead.

Besiktas briefly extended this to seven points in the third period, but the Towers were even ahead again after a three-pointer from Lukas Meisner to make it 63:62. In the final section, the Hamburg team lacked accuracy and ultimately had to admit defeat.

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2023-11-09 02:59:53
#Basketball #Eurocup #Hamburg #Towers #subject #Besiktas #Sport


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