Warm autumn, mosquitoes until Christmas

The hot autumn, with the record heat that hit Italy in October, with temperatures 3.15 degrees higher than the historical average for the month and an upward trend that continues into November, has lengthened the season of mosquitoes, to the point that in numerous Italian cities citizens still have to deal with bites from this insect. A situation which, unfortunately, risks continuing until Christmas. This was reported by the Italian Society of Environmental Medicine, which recalls the dangers on the health front.

Sima: hot October, mosquitoes until Christmas

“Temperatures well above seasonal averages have created favorable conditions for an alteration in the life and reproduction cycles of some insects – explains the Sima president, Alessandro Miani – The anomalous heat, in fact, allows mosquito eggs to survive thanks to a milder autumn, and adult animals to stay alive, reproduce and multiply. A discussion that does not only apply to the types of mosquitoes that are more resistant to the cold, such as the Japanese (Aedes japonicus japonicus) or the Korean (Aedes koreicus), present above all in some areas of northern Italy, but also for the very widespread common mosquito (Culex pipiens) and the fearsome tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus).

Let us remember that in our country there are around 60 species of mosquitoes, compared to over 3,000 present throughout the world.”

Health hazards

“In the absence of a sudden and significant drop in temperatures, mosquitoes could continue to rage in some areas of the country even until Christmas – continues Miani – A change that entails not only annoyance and inconvenience for citizens, but also dangers on the health front .

Among the diseases transmitted to humans by mosquitoes there are some very serious ones, such as dengue (DENV), chikungunya (CHIKV) and yellow fever (YFV) viruses. Based on ISS data updated to 6 November 2023, since the beginning of the year in Italy there have already been 306 cases of Dengue, 7 cases of Zika Virus; 7 cases of Chikungunya; 44 cases of neuro-invasive infection” – concludes Miani.

READ ALSO: Heat wave: 8 rules to defend yourself from mosquitoes and insects

Photos of icon0 com / Jimmy Chan / Ravi Kant


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2023-11-13 12:13:39
#Warm #autumn #mosquitoes #Christmas


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