when Israel does worse than Russia in Ukraine under the complicit gaze of the West

For more than three weeks, Israel massacres the inhabitants of Gaza under the approving gaze of Westerners. Without any distinction between civilians and Hamas fighters, these “terrorists” in their terms of language, the Hebrew state relentlessly bombs the enclave and kills thousands of innocent souls. Bombings of hospitals and refugee camps, a butchery that nothing, not even the attack of October 7, can justify.

Between Israel and Gaza, blood continues to call for blood. The horrible scenes which appear on the screens of televisions which are neutral in their way of providing information, like Al Jazeera, provoke retching as they plunge us into the deepest of disgust. For several weeks, Gaza has no longer become the largest open-air prison in the world, but the very representation of hell on earth. No one is safe anymore, hospitals are no longer safe havens, journalists are killed repeatedly, yet the West continues to support the Netanyahu regime which no longer sets limits in its murderous madness .

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How, in the name of the death of innocent civilians caused by Hamas, do we want to kill other civilians to “annihilate” the Islamist movement? How can the United States recognize Israel’s right to defend itself? while they validate his murderous project against defenseless civilian populations? However, it is an understatement to say that what is happening in this enclave controlled by Hamas is worse than what Russia is doing in Ukraine. One would have thought the opposite in view of the Western denunciation of the Russo-Ukrainian war and the approval of that led by Israel against Gaza.

Israel kills, massacres, exterminates, but we continue to talk about its right to defend itself. The most hypocritical, the United States and Canada first and foremost, even go so far as to try to block the non-binding UN resolution calling for a humanitarian truce. Even if the majority of the world’s states adopted the said resolution, in the name of humanitarianism and common sense, Westerners continue to applaud and bless Israel’s invasion of the Gaza Strip. Worse, the double bombing in two days of the Jabal refugee camp, added to the destruction of the Shifa hospital in Gaza last week, makes Israel a serious candidate for the International Criminal Tribunal for war crimes.

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Here too, Europe and the United States ignore the innocent lives lost and attract the wrath of their own populations, including Jews, who strongly condemn the atrocities thus caused by the Hebrew State. But hope continues to exist and to shed a little light on the lives of Palestinian civilians, with the assumed condemnation of responsible countries. This is the whole meaning of the decisions of Bolivia and Jordan, which completely severed their diplomatic relations with Israel.

Far from being a walk in the park, this incursion into Gaza could only increase the already staggering number of deaths and reignite tension. Europe and the United States know this well but pretend otherwise; without peace in Gaza, it will be difficult to ensure Israel’s security. Turning this enclave into a battlefield, turning it upside down, displacing its populations, are just another way of inflaming the situation that no decision other than political can resolve. For Israel to ensure its security and no longer feel obliged to use “its right to defend itself”, as Joe Biden and his clique claim, it is imperative that the two-state solution be applied and that the Jewish settlers stop the fragmentation of Palestinian territory and the provocations.

→ ALSO READ: Israel – Hamas: Joe Biden sets a condition for discussing a ceasefire in Gaza

These have multiplied recently with the threatening activities of Zionist settlers against unarmed Palestinians on whom they do not hesitate to shoot. The United States, which mentions Israel’s right to self-defense, remains silent, says it is not calling for a ceasefire and does not give a damn about the perpetual attacks of the settlers. While what is happening here is worse than what we see in Ukraine, these are the states that were the first to talk about war crimes in this conflict with Russia. Israel does worse, and as if they were God’s chosen ones on earth, they decide to trample on the laws of war and humanitarian laws.

Par Khalifa Ababacar Gaye

[email protected]


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