Alexandre Lacazette’s Hat-trick: Awakening Lyon’s Collapse

Six matches without scoring with OL, that hadn’t happened to him for nine years. Alexandre Lacazette is not really used to such periods without a goal and Lyon’s collapse coincided with the insufficient performance of his best player. So on Sunday, the captain woke up at the same time as his team. Three goals, a victory, the second of the season, and the start of an awakening which finally shakes OL. Les Gones are still 18th but celebrated their success as a European qualification. Their joy, tinged with frank relief, says everything about the degree of anxiety that has paralyzed them since the start of the season.

It is not entirely a coincidence that the delivery bears the mark of the team’s most capped player. A man of character, Lacazette ended up reacting by scoring the same three goals: a control and a recovery in the heart of the area after recovering the ball within six meters. Science of investment, self-sacrifice, composure: the holy Trinity that saved Lyon on Sunday. “Two months without scoring was complicated,” the former Gunner easily admitted to Canal Plus. “It hurts to see my club in this situation but I’m lucky to be in the team, to be able to help. I had balls in the box and I managed to score.”

Alexandrxre Lacazette, driving force behind OL’s awakening

Credit: Getty Images

Finally, I was able to have an exchange with my coach

Why did he succeed where he had failed for months? The answer is undoubtedly multiple. But if there was ever a main reason, it would undoubtedly be the arrival of Pierre Sage on the OL bench. At odds with Fabio Grosso who made him a replacement at Rennes before taking him out at half-time a week later against Lille, the proud center forward did not regret the Italian’s ouster and he seems revived since his departure and the appointment of Sage.

“For sure, we were able to discuss. Finally, I was able to have an exchange with my coach, commented Lacazette on Canal Plus, addressing a nice tackle to Grosso in passing. He showed me his confidence. Of course, I hadn’t scored until now but I could help the team. It showed, I’m trying to participate more in the game. The coach gives clear instructions, he has a fairly positive attitude towards us . It feels good to feel loved.” This is how he scored as many goals in 90 minutes as in the previous 873 this season. Before adding: “Going to see the coach after my third goal was not a message to management, it was rather natural and spontaneous.”

And as it is understood that Lyon will have a hard time getting by without their captain waking up, this hat-trick reminds us of the importance of a boy who has been heavily criticized in recent weeks. Le Progrès even announced that he was, like Corentin Tolisso, on the transfer list this winter. How can we believe that OL do not need their striker with 130 goals in L1? 133 even now…

2023-12-10 20:09:00
#Lyon #Toulouse #feels #good #feel #loved #Pierre #Sage #changed #Alexandre #Lacazette


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