«Bonucci? Ownership is sovereign, but the heart of a club is the fans. Dybala called up for Juventus”

José Mourinho touches on the transfer market topic, landing the blow on the negotiation Bonucci: «The heart of a club are the fans, however, there are the owners who are sovereign. The decisions belong to those who are sovereign, but for me the heart of a club is the fans and if you do something that the fans really like, you fuel the love and passion. If you do something that the fans don’t like, in my opinion it shouldn’t be done. More than this, I cannot and have nothing more to say.” Here are Mourinho’s words on the eve of Juventus-Roma.


How does Roma get to this match against Juventus? How are Mancini and Dybala?

«Dybala is the starter or not, I won’t say. The press conference is at 10.30 before training, the feeling is that Paulo will be there. If he plays, if he’s on the bench, if he comes in, I can’t say because I haven’t decided yet. I have to talk to him about his feelings. Hopefully in training he travels and he will be available to play. Mancini is in the same situation as last week, except that he can play without training. Tomorrow he will play with Llorente and Ndicka. Mancio knows that it is very important for us.”

How do you evaluate the path of Allegri’s Juventus?

«Juve is Juve, Allegri is Allegri. We know what we can expect from both of us.

When we talk about a team and a “result-driven” coach, I interpret it as the most important thing in football, which is getting results. There are people who when we talk about “resultist” think that there is a negative connection. For me, however, they are only positive. And Juve are “scorers”, they have scored many points from inactive ball, they play one match a week. And this doesn’t just mean being rested, but also that they work many days on the pitch and at a tactical level. He is fighting with Inter for the Scudetto.”

It’s almost time for the transfer market to open and there’s a desire to have a centre-back. Have there been contacts with Bonucci, can the mood of the environment influence a transfer negotiation? Is Renato Sanches coming out in January?

«I can talk about Renato because he is one of our players. I don’t feel like talking about Bonucci, he must be respected and the way to do it is not to talk about it because he is from Union Berlin. I don’t have any information about Renato on the possibility that he might go out or not. Neither from Renato, nor from the prosecutors who are mine, not a message or a word. No information from Pinto. He lives in a complicated situation for me or for the squad. What if he leaves for Turin? I have a doubt, it wasn’t a clean week at work, he definitely won’t play. I always say two things: the heart of a club are the fans, however, there are the owners who are sovereign. The decisions belong to those who are sovereign, but for me the heart of a club is the fans and if you do something that the fans really like, you fuel the love and passion. If you do something that the fans don’t like, in my opinion it shouldn’t be done. More than this, I cannot and have nothing more to say.”

To get a result tomorrow, what will it take?

«Personality and a lot from a physical and tactical point of view. We can compare different styles, but teams with very high potential. We can compare Napoli with Juve, but at home we had the personality you need to have to play head-to-head with a superior team. At home it’s the Olimpico that gives us this personality, the players played a great game. Llorente extraordinary game, Ndicka the best since he has been in Rome. The personality he had against Napoli must be had tomorrow against a team used to always winning and winning titles. It takes courage and playing face to face. With Napoli we always played to win and not to draw and I would like us to have the same ability against Juve.”

Pellegrini doesn’t seem centered. How come?

«He’s improving and I like that. Beyond the goal he scored, the week before he did an excellent job. It’s not that you work badly, because I’ve never seen you work badly. He always works concentrated and well, last week I had a feeling of quality. This week gave continuity to these sensations. For a period of time we saw a Lorenzo with a performance platform that wasn’t very high, now we need to take advantage of the moment. We have many games to play in January.”

Has there been any talk of a timeline for the arrival of a defender? Are there tactical alternatives?

«If I start thinking about all this, I lose focus on the match we have to play tomorrow and in which we have these three central defenders who have been playing together for some time. We have Bryan playing in midfield and if there is a need to go to defense he will go there. We work with Celik as a central third to give him tactical knowledge. He played 60 minutes against Sheriff, we’re talking about a basic level. We have known for six months that Ndicka is leaving, for six months we have known that Kumbulla would not have been available in January, an impossible starter perhaps on the bench. For three months we have known that Smalling would not be there in January and for three months we have known what the situation is. Now we also know that Mancini and Cristante are within a booking of a booking. Imagine the scenario of having only one center back for a specific match. I promised myself to go towards a path where I have to give what I have, regardless of the circumstances. Once Juventus is over we will think about Cremonese. My job is to do the best with what I have. Kumbulla will not leave for Turin.”


1970-01-01 00:00:00
#Bonucci #Ownership #sovereign #heart #club #fans #Dybala #called #Juventus


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