Borriello’s return: “I want to get back into the game”

Marco Borriello “wandering bomber”, the attacker who managed to score in Serie A with 12 different shirts, now wants to “get back into the game”. Guest of RSerie A TV adio with RDSthe former striker retraced the stages of a long career, linked to experiences such as those with Milan, Juve and Rome as well as with Empoli, Reggina, Sampdoria, Treviso, Genoa, Carpi, Atalanta, Cagliari and Spal. “I wasn’t ‘the flag’ for the teams I played for: changing clubs almost every year is demanding and does not make you faithful in the eyes of others, but it wasn’t just my fault – said Borriello -. My ‘nomadic’ career allowed me to meet many coaches and visit as many cities and this was priceless baggage that I carry with me even today.”

“Ibiza? We are first in Serie C, I trust in the project”

In 2019, at the age of 36, he hung up his shoes and today he is sports manager in Ibiza (the last team he played for). “We started a project at corporate level which has led me to be a director and ambassador. Last year we were relegated, but today we are first in the Serie C championship and I continue to trust in the project and I’m sure we will do great things”, said the former striker.

“Now I want to get back into the game”

However, the future could be in Italy. “Now I want to get back into the game, I have had enough rest after five years. I think I will move closer to the Peninsula to get back to playing some football – said Borriello -. I’ll start studying, you have to prepare yourself to live up to what you want to do or choose to be. To date, the two strongest attackers in Serie A are Lautaro and Zirkzee.”

“Gasperini is a football master”

Recently in the program Bobo Vieri Talk Show, Borriello spoke about the relationships with two of his former coaches: “With Conte I vomited, what an absurd preparation with Zeman”. Now he mentions Gian Piero Gasperini, Atalanta coach. “Gasperini left me a lot on a technical level, he is a football master – said the former striker. With him I could have become top scorer by the end of the season, but mentally I gave up when I signed for Milan in April.”

“Conte is unrivaled from a tactical point of view”

Conte is tied with Gasperini: from a tactical point of view he is incomparable. I don’t have any bad memories with the coaches who followed me, even with those with whom I bonded less there was always an excellent relationship of mutual respect”, Borriello said again.

“With the companions with whom I came to blows” I became friends”

And the relationships with teammates? “Sometimes there are disagreementsin the locker room it’s normal, but it’s just with those with whom I went ‘to blows'” and who then became truly friends, even outside the locker room – confessed the former bonber -. I am someone who doesn’t hold grudges also because on the pitch you have to go further and play as a team always and with anyone.”

2023-12-27 11:00:02
#Borriellos #return #game


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