Christmas Course Delights Young Judokas at Gymnasium Dojo

It was a great day for the judokas with the second edition of the Christmas course which took place on Saturday December 9 at the gymnasium dojo, in partnership with the Blaise club.

As always with these young athletes, this event took place with joy and good humor. For this sporting and festive day, it was judo which was, first of all, featured throughout the morning, with concrete learning. For the lunch break, the meal was taken from the bag to be enjoyed during a very warm moment.

After this break dedicated to the taste buds, room was left for a recreational afternoon during which the parents took pleasure in participating in this fun moment. Then, at the end of this day full of sharing and moments of happiness, Santa Claus arrived for a surprise visit with the good nature that characterizes him. After meeting all the children present, the old bearded man shared a gourmet moment filled with delicious pancakes which were appreciated by young and old alike. During this day, the organizers had the joy and pleasure of receiving Gwennaïs, a former student of the Wassey Judo club who left for the Vosges to follow her studies, and who was accompanied by her companion Steeven Poirot. Professionally, he is a professional videographer and photographer and has used his know-how to produce videos of the day as well as photos of the children with Santa Claus with the ultimate objective of sharing these happy moments.

The morning was entirely dedicated to judo.
2023-12-14 21:49:14
#Santa #Claus #visited #judokas


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