Dwight Howard’s All-Time NBA Team: A Powerhouse Lineup

For a player who in his golden years had – rightly – the nickname Superman, putting in sequence five names of teammates with which to compose the strongest quintet is anything but trivial. Dwight Howardwhich just a few months ago seemed close to a come back in in the league, he was the first to launch the challenge, half to his colleagues with a social provocation. Here is the top 5 reported by the player above X. Special mention for Hedo Turkoglu, who Dwight indicates, half-jokingly, as GOAT. Together the Turk and Howard reached the 2009 NBA Finals, then lost 1-4 against the Los Angeles Lakers.

Dwight Howard reveals all-time NBA lineup of teammates

ROLE, ‘NOMINAL’ POSITION PLAYER 1. Rajon Rondo 2. Kobe Bryant 3. James [Harden]

Grant [Hill]

LeBron [James]

2023-12-26 21:07:24
#Dwight #Howard #lists #NBA #alltime #teammates


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