Expanding Sports Opportunities: Huanglong Sports Center and Xihu District Lead the Way

The Huanglong Sports Center is full of “big meals”, the district cultural and sports center launches “people-friendly prices”, and Xihu District also “venues” for the people to create an “Asian Games circle of friends”

According to Hangzhou Daily, as December enters, “sports feasts” are popping up in Huanglong Sports Center one after another, and the schedules of various venues have been fully booked – CBA Zhejiang Dongguang Medicine’s home games are being held at the Huanglong Stadium, and the World Women’s Volleyball Club Championship will also be held at the Huanglong Stadium. Since then, citizens can also watch a “cool running” parkour competition at Huanglongyou Jump Hall.

In the “post-Asian Games” era, various international events and mass sports activities continue to be staged with “speed and passion” in various Asian Games venues, built-in venues and campus venues in Xihu District, and the national fitness craze continues to surge.

The venue benefits the people and drives people to “enter the venue”

In early winter, the outdoor smart gym in the Xihu District Cultural and Sports Center is particularly lively, with many fitness enthusiasts coming here to “check in” every day. Mr. Wu, who works in nearby Xixi Ginza, is a regular visitor. Every now and then, he will invite his colleagues to come here after get off work to practice for an hour. “This place is free and open 24 hours a day, and it’s very friendly to us office workers. It’s really convenient to take the subway home after working out!” He gave a thumbs up.

In September this year, the outdoor smart gym at the Xihu District Culture and Sports Center was completed and put into use. It has 8 smart projects and 5 traditional fitness projects, including physical testing booths, high pull presses, upper limb flexion and extension, etc., which can meet the daily exercise needs of surrounding fitness enthusiasts.

It is worth mentioning that in addition to traditional sports, there are also new trendy sports such as roller skating, rock climbing, skateboarding, skiing, golf, and fencing. The intelligent experience is also a “plus point” – online booking, online payment, self-service ticket collection, scanning QR code to enter, one-click navigation, etc., providing one-stop service for citizens’ fitness.

“In the ‘post-Asian Games’ era, we have been thinking about how to amplify the effect of the Asian Games and continue the popularity of national fitness.” The person in charge of the Xihu District Culture and Sports Center said that in the second half of the year, they upgraded the venue’s products, hardware and services. , in addition to updating facilities, “people-friendly prices” have been introduced for basketball, football, and badminton bookings, and sports consumption coupons have also been launched to bring more benefits to citizens.

In addition, the Xihu District Cultural and Sports Center also launches free open days on the 10th of every month, free morning exercises for the elderly and other public welfare activities; the Sandun Cultural and Sports Center also launches discount coupons for badminton and basketball bookings, driving more people to “enter the venue” .

Leveraging social forces to revitalize school sports resources

A wonderful rebound on one side of the court won the match point, and on the other side, a fierce badminton smash scored… In the gymnasium of Wenxi Primary School in Hangzhou, the former basketball court was divided into two, catering to both basketball and badminton. Scenes.

In order to extend the reach of the National Asian Games, Xihu District made early arrangements and scientifically promoted the construction of campus sports venues. At the end of 2020, the district opened pilot indoor sports venues to the public in some primary and secondary schools, exploring unified management by a third-party operation team. Wenxi Primary School is one of the first six pilot schools.

“The school sports venues are open to the public, and improving the actual utilization rate of the venues is the key.” Huang Youjia, manager of the campus sports department of Hangzhou West Lake Culture and Sports Exhibition Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of West Lake Cultural Tourism Group, said that this renovation will have a huge impact on the area, hardware facilities, and sports equipment of the school sports venues. 11 site conditions including survey and statistics were carried out, and planning and design were carried out in accordance with the principle of “one school, one plan”.

The team repeatedly communicated with the school and revised the plan three times while ensuring the daily basketball teaching needs. Finally, they adopted the method of splicing floor glue throughout the court, and then clearly drew the basketball and badminton lines. “We also upgraded the lighting equipment and repaired the leaking areas, investing a total of more than 60,000 yuan, all of which were borne by West Lake Culture and Sports Exhibition Co., Ltd.” Huang Youjia said.

This summer, the gymnasium at the Xiangshan Campus of Zhuantang Primary School in Hangzhou was also renovated, with a total investment of about 100,000 yuan. 26 brand-new headlights and newly laid floor glue not only improve the safety of sports, but also increase the beauty of the venue. “We received a letter of thanks from the school, which is a great affirmation for us!” Huang Youjia sighed.

It is reported that West Lake Cultural Tourism Group has revitalized existing resources such as school auditoriums and idle venues, repaired and installed public sports such as badminton, basketball, and table tennis to form a fitness facility network with abundant supplies, reasonable layout, and complete functions. The renovated gymnasium has not only received high praise from teachers and students, but has also become a good place for surrounding citizens to exercise and keep fit.

At present, 28 campus sports venues have been opened in Xihu District, covering 11 towns and streets in the district, benefiting more than 230,000 residents in total, effectively promoting the implementation of sports benefit projects and creating a new model of the “Asian Games Circle of Friends”.

Source: Hangzhou Daily Author: Reporter Huang Ran West Lake Micro-Integration Circle Liu Jing Editor: Chen Dong

2023-12-07 23:23:19
#Huanglong #Sports #Center #full #big #meals #district #cultural #sports #center #launches #peoplefriendly #prices #Xihu #District #plays #people #create #Asian #Games #circle #friendsHangzhou #News #CenterHangzhou #Net


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