Football: Record – Never before have clubs paid so much in consultant commission

Football record amount

Never before have clubs paid so much commission to player agents

As of: 2:21 p.m. | Reading time: 2 minutes

Jude Bellingham moved from BVB to Real Madrid for over 100 million euros. The consultant will be happy

Those: dpa/Soeren Stache

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Player agents and advisors have had a particularly fruitful year. More millions flowed into their accounts worldwide than ever before – and the survey even only takes international transfers into account. A magical mark is also being broken in women’s football.

During and shortly after the Corona crisis, something like caution and restraint could be observed on the transfer market in world football. Because of the uncertainties, many clubs held back from making major transfers. This is a thing of the past, clubs from England, Spain, Germany and Saudi Arabia are once again throwing money around for new players. Players’ agents and advisors, among others, also benefit from the transfer fees.

In 2023, clubs around the world will have spent more money on intermediaries than ever before for international player transfers. The clubs paid 888.1 million dollars (814.4 million euros), as the world association FIFA announced in its report on players’ agents. That is 42.5 percent more than in the previous year and 33 percent more than the previous peak from 2019.

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English clubs paid the most money for agent fees compared to other countries – around 257 million euros. German clubs spent almost 82 million euros on this. Since the figures only refer to international transfers, the overall volume of fees paid is even higher. Transfers within a league are not taken into account. 86.6 percent of all club agent fees go to European clubs.

Women’s football breaks the million mark for the first time

Spending on intermediary services also reached a new high in women’s football. The professional clubs spent around 1.3 million euros on this and broke the one million euro mark for the first time.

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FIFA regulations require clubs to enter the names and commissions of all club agents involved in an international transfer and the names of the people acting on behalf of the players in the Transfer Matching System (TMS). A players’ agent represents professionals or clubs when concluding a professional contract or making transfers.

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