Good morning, the Series. The auction for the Granata defender starts

Next summer could be the year of the transfer of Alessandro Buongiorno, from Turin in a big Italian or foreign team. Last summer the Granata club would not have opposed a sale of its captain if a fair offer had arrived, an offer which arrived almost at the end of the transfer market session.

In fact, Atalanta had offered 17 million euros plus the price tag of Duvan Zapatabut the boy said “no” because he wanted to stay in the club where he grew up, is establishing himself, and of which he became the captain. But in the next summer session of the transfer market, things could change, in fact President Cairo has established the figure to sell the player, around 40 million euros.

If some team were to arrive willing to pay this amount, they could decide to sacrifice their jewel. It seems that an auction has already started under the radar to purchase the performances of the class of ’99, both from Premier that from A league.

Chelsea already tried in the summer, but now they will return to the fray

A team, besides Atalanta, that tried to take Buongiorno in the summer was Chelsea, but the player, as in the case of the Bergamo players, did not want to hear about a transfer, but in six months things could be different, if the right offer arrived on the president’s table. According to The Suni Blues they would be willing to put around 23 million euros on the table, perhaps a little to take the central defender away from the Granata team. Surely after the summer rejection the London club will return to the office, perhaps increasing the offer, and thus trying to convince the Turin management.

Even in Italy the defender is highly appreciated

Buongiorno is appreciated not only outside the borders of our country, even in Italy the big names are continuously monitoring him, and are following his growth, which has also allowed him to earn the Italian national team. According to various market rumors theInteril Milan and the Juventus (although Buongiorno would prefer not to go to the Old lady so as not to betray his fans) they were preparing the assault on the grenade captain. Urbano Cairo’s request for 40 million could be satisfied, but it is very probable that an auction could be opened, and at that point, perhaps, that money would no longer be enough, for the happiness of the Granata patron, and for the good peace of the Turin people, who would see the departure of the son that many have seen grow up in the Turin youth team.

2023-12-22 19:00:44
#Good #morning #Series #auction #Granata #defender #starts


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