Inclusion, environment, celebrations: Coca-Cola reaffirms its priorities for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games

Placed under the sign of openness to all, the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games carry the promise of an inclusive, responsible and spectacular event. It is this same ambition that drives Coca-Cola, a historic partner of the Olympic Movement since the Amsterdam 1928 Games. A few months before the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, the company has already launched several initiatives and is revealing its next plans. strong to bring together all French people around the fervor of the Games.

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Coca-Cola in France announces an investment of 2 million euros to strengthen its partnership with the Sport dans la Ville association and implement concrete actions. Committed to equal opportunities, the association has worked for more than 20 years alongside young people from Priority Neighborhoods to support them on the path to success and actively participate in their social and professional integration through sport. Through this partnership, Coca-Cola in France wishes to support young people from sport to employment. Thus, the company will finance the opening of 5 sports sites in France by the end of 2024. At the same time, in-company job discovery sessions as well as events dedicated to recruitment will be organized to allow young people to familiarize themselves with the world of work and support them in their job search.

Coca-Cola in France will also finance the training of 200 young people from the association in animation and management professions. This includes the recognized diplomas of the Brevet Professionnel de la Jeunesse, de l’Education Populaire et du Sport (BPJEPS), the Brevet d’Aptitude à la Formation d’Animation (BAFA), and any other similar training recognized by diplomas of ‘State. The objective is to provide assistance to beneficiaries and a solid professional situation, while giving them the opportunity to get involved in turn with other young people. Building on its role as Global Partner of the Olympic and Paralympic Games and Official Sponsor of the Olympic Torch Relay and the Paris 2024 Paralympic Flame, CocaCola in France wishes to go even further by integrating young people from Sport dans la Ville into its systems. .

Claire Revenu, General Director Olympic and Paralympic Games Paris 2024 at Coca-Cola : “We will offer 50 young people from the association the exceptional opportunity to carry the Paris 2024 Olympic Flame to allow them to fully experience the magic of the Games. We will also offer 50 other young people the opportunity to distribute drinks to athletes and spectators during the Olympic and Paralympic Games: a unique opportunity to work alongside our teams in France as part of the world’s largest sporting event. Through these initiatives, we want to allow those who are usually far from this type of event to be able to take part, and ensure that the Paris 2024 Games are a springboard for them.”

On July 26, 1 year before the start of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, Coca-Cola launched a national appeal to invite all those who wished to apply for a unique experience: to become one of the next bearers of the Paris 2024 Olympic Flame, and enter the history of the Games forever. As Official Sponsor of the Olympic Torch Relay, Coca-Cola allows nearly 1,500 people (collective and individual slots) to take on the role of bearers of the Paris 2024 Olympic Flame.

All the Flame Bearers, invited by Coca-Cola, will have in common that they have been selected for their inspiring life journey because they contribute every day to bringing the values ​​of sport and Olympism to life and because they work in in favor of a more inclusive, egalitarian and civic society. Closed on October 15, the platform collected more than 15,000 applications. Of all the profiles received, Coca-Cola lists applications from all regions with greater representation in Ile-de-France (26.5%), Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (10.4%), Hauts -de-France (8.9%), Grand Est (8.3%) and Occitanie (7.8%).

Claire Revenu, General Director Olympic and Paralympic Games Paris 2024 at Coca-Cola : “Throughout our campaign, we felt a real enthusiasm among French people to take part in this adventure. At Coca-Cola, we were touched by all these people who shared part of their story with us. We are honored by their trust and that they will be by our side starting next May for the Paris 2024 Olympic Torch Relay. A symbol of openness, sharing and transmission par excellence, this Flame Relay is a fantastic opportunity to show the universality of sport. As Official Sponsor, Coca-Cola wishes to bring together, bring to life and celebrate the magic of the Games in the heart of the territories. »

Photo Veeren Ramsamy

This summer, Coca-Cola in France set out to meet all French people by launching “the Coca-Cola Village”, a national tour in 11 cities in France to invite the general public to apply to try to become a Torch Bearer Olympic and also highlight the history and symbolism of the Olympic Torch Relay. Faithful to its commitments to sharing, inclusion and celebration, Coca-Cola in France wanted to set up a unique, friendly system open to all residents of France to allow as many people as possible to begin the adventure of the Games. of Paris 2024. A winning bet for the brand with more than 100,000 visitors over the entire tour.

Reaffirming its ambition to make the Paris 2024 Games accessible, Coca-Cola will unveil its new #FindYourPlace campaign on January 20, during which people who wish to do so will be invited to participate and try to win tickets to the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. In total these will be 4000 billets on the Olympic Games and 4000 billets on the Paralympic Games which will be available for consumers to win. For three months (January 15 – March 15), a national system will be deployed:

-A media system supported by the brands of The Coca-Cola Company, Coca-Cola and Fuze Tea allowing it to reach 750 million contacts (TV, billboards, social networks and digital)

-Visibility on nearly 300 million products from the Coca-Cola, Fuze Tea and Tropico brands

-A physical and digital treasure hunt with 300 million QR codes to scan, to go in search of Coca-Cola seats, installed in unexpected places to bring the magic of the Games throughout the territory.

Coca-Cola supports the Paris 2024 ambition to halve the single-use plastic footprint compared to the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. To achieve this goal, the company has redesigned its beverage distribution model offered during the Games, to rely on a circular economy through the collection, reuse or recycling of all of its packaging.

As part of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Torch Relays, Coca-Cola will offer festive and musical events open to all, through major celebrations and unique arrangements with the aim of bringing together 50,000 people across France:

At each finish stage and throughout the routes of the Olympic Torch Relays and the Paris 2024 Paralympic Flame, Coca-Cola will prepare the public to welcome the Torch Bearer, in celebration and music with its two vehicles in the colors of its Coca-Cola and Fuze Tea brands on the different stopover cities and crossings.

To get all French people on board, particularly Gen Z, Coca-Cola will organize 6 exclusive and free concerts in the stage cities of the 2024 Paris Flame Relays. 5 concerts will be organized on the Paris 2024 Olympic Flame Relay: Marseille on May 8, Rennes on June 1, Saint-Etienne on June 21, Paris on July 15 and in Seine-Saint-Denis on July 25. 1 concert during the Paris 2024 Paralympic Torch Relay will also be given in Seine-Saint-Denis on August 27. In a spirit of openness, Coca-Cola will celebrate diversity and inclusion with a line-up bringing together for each concert 3 local artists, known and emerging, from all musical styles and genres.


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