International Flair: Groningen Judo Team Wins Hollager Judo Cup Tournament

Blau-Weiss Hollage is known far beyond the regional borders for, among other things, its international C-youth football Whitsun tournament. For years, international clubs have literally joined hands at this popular event. The Hollager Judo Cup tournament also provided international flair at the Benkenbusch sports center.

Because here, for the first time, a non-German team was able to achieve overall victory in the challenge cup. The Groningen judo team from the Netherlands won the tournament for the u15 and u18 age groups, which took place on December 2nd in the Haselandhalle.

After a four-year break due to corona, the judo department led by its chairman Rainer Brune decided to hold the 14th edition of its cup tournament. The fact that this decision was exactly the right one was evident from the high motivation of the organizing team. Tournament director Tim Trappe was able to rely on the largest organizational team since the event was founded. In addition to some “old hands”, many new people had also agreed to hold the tournament.

The Haselandhalle was accordingly professionally prepared on the morning of December 2nd. Of the almost 200 judoka registered, a good 160 athletes ultimately started. The flu wave did not stop at the mat fighters either.

After a tournament welcome by Rainer Brune, the tournament started promptly at 9.40 a.m. Over the next five hours, athletes from the Netherlands, North Rhine-Westphalia, Saxony-Anhalt, Bremen and Lower Saxony competed against each other in different weight and age classes.

The numerous helpers had created ideal conditions for the judoka. A dignified competition hall with three competition areas, which was up to date thanks to the referee care system (video evidence) and digital competition boards, as well as the attention to detail in the decoration of the hall ensured a certain feel-good effect in icy temperatures outside the door. The usual opulently equipped cafeteria and grill stand ensured your inner well-being. Here too, the cafeteria team led by Ines Freking had once again outdone themselves and offered something delicious for all tastes.

The tournament organization itself also managed to impress with its adherence to the self-imposed schedule. Thanks to perfect coordination between the various people responsible for organizing the scales, competition and award ceremony, the previously published schedule was ultimately adhered to within 10 minutes at the end of the tournament. In addition, it was possible to limit the stay for each individual athlete from the start of the weigh-in to the award ceremony to far less than four hours. Values ​​that are only extremely rarely achieved in judo tournaments. Rainer Brune and his team were correspondingly satisfied and somewhat proud at the end of the event, which once again promoted the sport of judo in Hollage and beyond.

After several hundred individual encounters, some of which were very exciting, the winners in a total of 27 weight classes were rewarded for their achievements as part of a dignified award ceremony, as has been the case in the past. It should be noted here that the quality of the referees employed, who did an excellent job, also contributed to the good and fair atmosphere overall.

At the end of the tournament day, the Groningen judo team managed to achieve the most points for the first time and thus win the challenge cup. With great cheers and thunderous applause from the fans and parents who had traveled with them, the Dutch finally lifted the trophy together with at least as much professionalism as the football teams at Benkenbusch! Blau-Weiss Hollage congratulates!

The Hollager Judoka would like to thank the community of Wallenhorst for their extensive support during the tournament as well as the various sponsors and patrons of the event. A special thank you also goes to the approximately 60 volunteers who worked in various roles and made the event possible with great attention to detail. Thank you!

The tournament was also supported by funds from the Toto-Lotto Sports Foundation. Blau-Weiss Hollage would like to say a big thank you for this too!

Tim Trappe / Blau-Weiss Hollage
Photos: Blau-Weiss Hollage

2023-12-10 19:17:30
#Dutch #win #Hollager #Judo #Cup #tournament #Wallenhorst



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