Judo Championship Event Brings Prestige to San Giorgio a Cremano

The sporting event that will take place tomorrow and Sunday 17 December 2023 was presented this morning in the spaces of the Municipality of San Giorgio a Cremano. From 9 am to 6.30 pm, tomorrow and from 9 am to 1 pm on Sunday, they will meet the various categories on the carpet: from “children” to “beginners” up to “seniors”, passing through “juniores”. Organized by AICS Campania, in collaboration with SSd Flat sport and with the patronage of the Fijlkam Campania Regional Committee of the Municipality of San Giorgio a Cremano, the event will also be an opportunity to meet maestro Raffaele Parlati, head coach of the Italian national team , which will assist the sporting rendezvous.

During the conference, the social importance that this martial art has in adolescent growth was also underlined. “The discipline of Judo today – explained Giovanni Savarese, technician of the Flat Sport sports association, one of the promoters of the event – ​​is increasingly appreciated by pedagogists, paediatricians and sociologists, who enhance its educational potential for growth and development of children and young people. In fact, several times we found ourselves involved in legality projects, against bullying or school dropout. We are satisfied with the great participation, tomorrow and Sunday, athletes from Lazio, Molise, Abruzzo, Puglia, Calabria, Tuscany and Veneto will bring prestige and prominence to our town”. “With great satisfaction we supported this event – stated Bruno D’Isanto, coordinator of the national and international activities of the Italian judo federation. This will only do good for the spread of our discipline.

Tomorrow’s meeting will see not only maestro Ibenuma, two-time bronze and three-time gold medalist at the World Championships, but also the coach of the Italian national team and his athletes returning from Japan for a period with their Japanese colleagues”. “We are creating the foundations to implement all-round sports training – said the AICS Regional President, Manuela Papaccio – underlining the social value of sport, hoping that the event will become a best practice, aiming for a truly national model. In fact, the 2023/2024 sports programming continues with ever greater commitment. The initiative – concludes Capaccio – is an important stage in the process of spreading and promoting “sport for all”. Sport, as well as judo, are an opportunity for development, enrichment and growth for our community.”

“The Palaveliero is now in the national sporting panorama, a point of reference and this makes us proud as a community and as an administration – declared the mayor of San Giorgio a Cremano, Giorgio Zinno. This internship with the award-winning Olympic judo champion Masashi Ebinuma is further confirmation of the value and constant growth that Flat Sport intends to give to many young people who choose to attend the Sangiorgese structure. This opportunity is proof that to become an athlete it is not enough to just practice training and discipline, but to draw experience from great champions, who can become inspiration for sport and for life.” The event is sponsored by the Campania Region, Metropolitan City of Naples, Municipality of San Giorgio a Cremano.

2023-12-15 14:32:18
#multiple #awardwinning #Japanese #Olympic #champion #Masashi #Ebinuma #arrives #Neapolitan #area #great #event


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