Jürgen Melzer Extends Contract as Sporting Director at Austrian Tennis Association Until 2027

Jürgen Melzer will remain as sporting director at the Austrian Tennis Association at least until the end of 2027.

The 42-year-old from Lower Austria has extended his contract as ÖTV sports director for another three years; his working paper signed at the beginning of January 2021 would have expired at the end of this year.

“I said from the beginning that I don’t see this as just a three-year project, but as a longer project. If I were to stop now after just three years, it would be a shame for the work that we have already done as a team. In that sense, I am “I’m happy that I can do the job for three more years,” Melzer was quoted as saying in a press release.

What topics the association wants to focus more on

A lot has been achieved in his term of office so far. “We have greatly improved the tournament landscape, and in January we have an ÖTV player, Joel Schwärzler, who will be number one in the youth world rankings. These are all things that I would probably have signed at the beginning of the year and at the beginning of my term in office .”

In the next three years, the association wants to devote more attention to three topics. “The ÖTV performance center in the Südstadt, which we want to make more attractive; the tournament offering in Austria, which we want to keep – as best as possible – at this high altitude and further improve it; and also the topic of training for trainers, especially in the area of ​​children’s tennis,” explains Melzer.

He also serves as captain of the Davis Cup team, where “on the one hand, of course, I would have hoped for a little more,” he says. “On the other hand, you still have something to work on in the next three years. If everything were already perfect, then you wouldn’t have to work on the future at all – you would just have to hold on. And holding on always means going backwards , and we don’t need that.”

These 20 Austrians cracked the top 100 of the ATP rankings

2023-12-14 09:20:08
#Jürgen #Melzer #extends #position #ÖTV #sports #director


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