Miguel and Couto: “We will remember this season for the rest of our lives”

The growth of Girona has given rise to several channels, accounts and programs dedicated exclusively to the daily analysis of Míchel’s ensemble, beyond the traditional media. This is how it was born Game Changer, winner of the last edition of the Carles Rahola awards for the best digital information. The team formed by Andrea López Pastor, Arnau Madrià, Alex Luna, Sergi Arpí, Albert Isern, Martí Ayats, Andrea Flaissier and Jordi Mariscot dedicates a weekly program every Wednesday to Twitch about Girona’s current sporting events and, from time to time, they have the opportunity to meet part of the white-and-red community in person. They already have 108 programs, among which stand out a live show at the Rambla store or from the Modern with Míchel. Yesterday was a special day with a program at Farinera Teixidor (GironaHub), with the participation of Miguel Gutiérrez and Yan Couto.

Canvi de Joc managed to gather more than a hundred people to talk about the leader of the First Division about “football and life”. Almost all the conversation, however, focused on the impact of the “historic” victory against Barça. “It is a moment that is hard to believe. Winning at Barça was a moment of maximum happiness and euphoria for all. We and the city have enjoyed it very much”, assured Miguel. While Couto added: “It was a historic day for all of us. We have to enjoy it and keep it up.”

After getting 41 points in 16 games, Girona has the peace of mind of staying. “It was the first goal. What we are doing is very big. We have to be realistic and think that we have the team to fight to be on top of everything. Against the big teams like Madrid, Barça, Atlético or Real Sociedad, it won’t be easy, but we will fight and see how far we can go”, said Miguel. The left-back stated that “it would be a very nice dream for everyone to play in Europe next season”. For his part, Couto commented that “making a Leicester is complicated because there is still a lot of League left, although we don’t want to stop”: “We are at a very high level and we want to continue like this. We have dreams to fulfill. We want to enter the Champions League, although there is still a lot left to bet on. Let’s go match by match. The rivals are tough and the teams are good.”

Both footballers highlighted the day-to-day happiness in Girona and explained what their relationship with Míchel is like. “He is a very intense person. We are very lucky to have a coach like him. He smells the footballer, that this is very difficult. He is to blame for the fact that the team is on top of everything,” said Miguel. In turn, Couto agreed that “Míchel tries to get the best out of each footballer, both personally and in football”: “He tries to have a strong group so that we all feel involved and that those who come off the bench help the team . As, for example, was seen the other day with Valery, who scored in Montjuïc. Last Sunday was a spectacular day. Girona had never beaten Barça, we danced and sang in the dressing room. The celebration was spectacular.” “We must give importance to the changes. It is very important to have all players plugged in. All the players are connected and it shows. The team doesn’t slow down, that’s the key. We’re on the upswing and we can’t stop,” said Miguel.

Girona is in fashion

The two best sides in the First Division reasoned that “the team must improve in the defensive aspect”: “We take more risks in attack because we are an offensive team”.

Whatever happens, this season will be historic. “When the years pass, and we are retired, it will be a season we will remember for the rest of our lives, regardless of what we achieve. The day to day is incredible”, recalled Miguel. Míchel’s Girona is memorable.

2023-12-15 21:13:58
#Miguel #Couto #remember #season #rest #lives


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