Milano 1946 Baseball and Softball ASD: Extraordinary Assembly Approves Statute Changes and Company Name Update

With 52 out of 63 members present, the Extraordinary Assembly of Milano 1946, held in the evening via the web, approved the changes to the statute made necessary by the entry into force of the new Sport law. Furthermore, the company name was updated (which became “Milano 1946 Baseball e Softball ASD”) and the registered office, which moved from Piazza Grandi to Kennedy

The extraordinary meeting of Milano 1946 took place via web in the evening with 52 out of 63 members present in person or by proxy. After President Selmi’s reading of the new version, and after giving space to a series of comments, the Assembly unanimously ratified the modification of the company statute to adapt it to the new Sport law. In particular, in addition to the specific chapters dedicated to the new figures introduced by the specific law, the company name and headquarters have been changed. The new official name of the company will in fact be “Milano 1946 Baseball e Softball ASD”, while the registered office has been moved from Piazza Grandi to via Olivieri at the Kennedy Sports Center. A very significant fact because, as was underlined in the meeting, it is the first time in its history that Milano can have its legal and above all physical headquarters in the plant where it has carried out its activity since 1964.

The meeting was dissolved with the announcement that the ordinary meeting for the renewal of the corporate offices will be held in the first half of January.


2023-12-14 21:49:11
#Assembly #approves #statute


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