Mourinho and the right to criticize

Alessandro Barbano Sunday 3 December 2023, 08:19

It’s a Mourinho in Catullus versionwhich he proclaims love and hate for Berardi and be wary of referees. If the federal prosecutor had read a beautiful book by Milan Kundera, entitled “Life is elsewhere”, he would know that the cruelty of poets is like the song of sirens. Just cover your ears. Instead the sports justice falls for the traps of crafty storyteller Portuguese and investigates him, discovering the anachronistically illiberal face of the Italian football. The sharia that regulates it prohibits a technician from saying: «The referee worries me, because I have the feeling that he doesn’t have enough emotional stability for a match of this level». And how dare you Special to put the hands forwardinvoking legitimate suspicion towards the race director Matteo Marcenarowhich he has crossed four times thus far, and has made up for himself and his staff three times expulsions, warnings and disqualifications?

The bigoted reactivity of the system court

It will be said that the collection of sanctions dell’trainer it is so rich that this case study is not an exception. From yellow-red cards Mou took so many that he lost count. This does not mean that the cultural primitivism of the system it’s all in the bigoted reactivity of his court. What censorship the right to criticize as a’heresy. But it really can’t be expressed worry for a designation? You really can’t question theexperience, the emotional resilience of a referee faced with a particularly important meeting? Really the prosecutor Giuseppe Chinéwhose prestigious career ranges between private, administrative and criminal law, wants to dip into the belongs of her justice in the calamus ofmoral intransigence?

Added to this is that thefederal investigationas it was conceived, lends itself to being read as one corporate retaliation. Because the heavier judgments of Mourinho I’m not for Marcenarobut for Berardiaccused of make fun of e destabilize the gamethat is, of sporting disloyalty. Why do referees deserve protection and footballers don’t? They are not the trials at words, emotions, or intentions that make football more beautiful and cleaner. If a contribution can ask a purebred jurist how Chinalent to federal prosecutor’s officeis to make the case in point more chiare e founded on defined conduct and facts.

We’ll take care of the “chatter”, but without it sanction anyone. Because democracy, even sporting democracy, tolerates criticism, provocation, and that pinch of poison that words sometimes bring into public debate. Criminalize the parole it has always been there temptation of regimes.

Mourinho, attack on Marcenaro:

2023-12-03 07:19:00
#Mourinho #criticize



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