Movistar must be a choral team and not focused on Nairo and Enric

Movistar must be a choral team and not focused on Nairo and Enric Mas

It is not the first time that in this badly ringed notebook we talk about Movistar from not so long ago, that of Nairo and Valverde, as a team that ended up as the best in the world for several years, but without noticing that The results of its two best cyclists overshadowed basic problems that over time have become evident.

Cycling is cycles, it is true, Carlos Verona told us not so long ago, remembering that Jumbo, today all powerful, was an average team in the days of Team Blanco and Belkin.

And he is right, but going from less to more, like the Dutch, is not the same as getting smaller, as in the case of the blues.

Seeing Nairo and Valverde greeting each other at the Movistar rally is a déjà vû that filled the honors of those years with glory, but it was the seed of the bad times that had to come.

The team needs references, but real referencesestablished in a way of doing things that is common to many teams, larger and smaller than them, and that now sets the pace.

Every year around this time, when I see the team’s first concentrations, I hope that this time, yes, the bears will change, but really, giving the sensation that it is a block with the times, that accepts change and adapts to it, going out to dispute everything and always be competitive.

That’s the first illusion, then the season starts and…

I sincerely believe that Nairo can give relief to the teamI really believe it, it is not there to win a big one – in truth very few can choose to win it right now – but it can be insurance from the beginning to start filling the record, even if it is based on stages and triumphs that many would label minors.

In life everything adds up.

But focusing on Nairo, as in his years with the Colombian Movistar and Valverde, just like doing so with Enric Mas, would be repeating the same mistake.

The team is and must be choral, and has good cyclists to achieve it.

They already had them those months in which the anxiety of relegation haunted them and we began to see Serrano, Pedrero and Aranburu shine.

Even Iván García Cortina premiered his record.

The team has made good additions, signings that can provide immediate returns such as Formolo or Cavagna, who can change the pace of the team and its general attitude, towards a greater daily presence on the road.

Jon Barrenetxea, Carlos Canal and Pelayo Sánchez have to grow from the front in the racesnot fattening the peloton in their downtime and please, freedom for a cyclist like Javier Romo, with as much motor and quality as bravery.

And now we’re ready to ask, May Oier Lazkano have everything he needs to see how far he can go in the northas was never available for trotters like Erviti or Chente.

I think that Movistar, without being the wealthiest, without galactic signings, still has the potential for good things and not falling into the error of the times of Nairo and Valverde, that is now far away.

Image: @Movistar_team

2023-12-11 12:46:24
#Movistar #choral #team #focused #Nairo #Enric


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