Napoli, De Laurentiis: ‘Happy marriage with Spalletti, right to let him go’. Video

Il Napoli scoops up awards and on the stage of Grand Football Gala 2023 it also goes up Aurelio De Laurentiiswho spoke about the last triumphal season which ended with the victory of the scudetto: “It was an unforgettable year – said the blue president -, because it has been awaited by Neapolitans for 33 years. You know that in Naples there is only one myth, and it is still the myth of Maradona. We we managed to bring smiles back to the city and above all to teach the little ones that the stadium is an important social gathering centre. Today children cheer much more than before. When I arrived in Naples and I didn’t understand anything about football, I remember one day I met three children who wore the shirts of Milan, Juventus and Inter. I asked why they didn’t have the Napoli shirt and they replied: ‘But who the fuck are you?‘”.

The relationship with Spalletti

De Laurentiis then focused on relationship with Luciano Spallettithe coach who led Napoli to the Scudetto: “Me I have to thank having met an extraordinary coach after a very long courtship – said De Laurentiis -, because we already met Spalletti 8-9 years ago, but he couldn’t come because he was tied to contractual situations in Russia. Then both he and I made other choices. Finally in January three years ago I knocked on the door of his house in Milan: he was waiting for us with a guarded air in the garage, because no one had to know, and we made an agreement. Ours was a happy marriage, so happy that when he told me he no longer felt like continuing, I accepted. I had already made a mistake with Benitez when I forced him to stay and it didn’t go well. Spalletti gave this dream to the city, so we had to respect it and let it go. I thank Spalletti, my extraordinary players and also Giuntoli, who accompanied me for eight long years. But above all I thank the Napoli fans, who deserve all this and who we hope to continue to please.”

1970-01-01 00:00:00
#Napoli #Laurentiis #Happy #marriage #Spalletti #Video


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