Regent of Bengkalis Opens Executive Badminton Fun Day Tournament as Part of KORPRI Anniversary Celebrations

BENGKALIS – Representing the Regent of Bengkalis Kasmarni, Assistant for Government and People’s Welfare Andris Wasono officially opened the Executive Badminton Fun Day tournament at GOR Rabbit Jalan Damon Bengkalis Saturday, December 2 2023.

The tournament, which is a series of commemorations of the 52nd Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia Civil Service Corps (KORPRI) at the Bengkalis Regency level, was organized by the Bengkalis Regency Government (Pemkab) through the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda).

The participants are Heads of Regional Apparatus and vertical agencies within the Bengkalis Regency Government. There are 10 teams competing in this tournament. Including Assistant for Government and Social Welfare Andris Wasono.

Andris said that this tournament was held as a gathering event and to encourage healthy living by exercising.

“We just play casually, have fun, the important thing is that our friendship is established,” he concluded.

Andris continued, in the future KORPRI Bengkalis Regency will be increasingly active with various activities at the beginning of the year. #DISKOMINFOTIK

2023-12-02 04:06:15
#Executive #Badminton #Fun #Day #Tournament #Officially #Begins


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