Rising Star Sidy Sow Making a Big Impact with the New England Patriots

Bromontois Sidy Sow is enjoying his first season in the National Football League intensely, with the New England Patriots. The Pats don’t win often (2-6), but former high school Incredibles J.-H.-Leclerc already has four starts in six games, having missed two games due to a concussion. cerebral.

“From a personal point of view, things are going well, I’m happy with the way things are going,” Sow explained in an interview with La Voix de l’Est following the Patriots’ training session on Wednesday. . I have a lot of playing time for a rookie and I give everything I have to always earn the trust of my coaches.”

“My goal is simple: to be a better player after every practice, after every game.”

—  Sidy Sow

And there are many good words about him. As much from observers of American football, from his teammates as from the great Bill Belichick, the legendary coach of the Patriots, who confirms that the right guard “works hard and progresses every day”.

“Playing for this man is an exceptional opportunity, a privilege,” continues Sidy. He commands such respect, he knows it so much, it’s incredible. When he speaks to you, you listen very attentively and you say: ”Yes sir!””

Big and small NFL

Sidy Sow, who was a fourth-round pick of the Patriots (117th overall) in the last draft, admits: he sometimes pinches himself when he realizes that he plays in the most important football league in the world as well as in the largest sports league in North America.

“Honestly, I’m still at the stage of pinching myself quite often,” he says with a laugh. When I leave the house to go to training, I consider myself lucky, even though I know it took a lot of effort to get here. Still, I’m a little guy from Bromont who learned his football in a small town in Quebec. It’s proof that anything is possible in life.”

But the NFL may be the NFL, he adds, but the work remains the same.

“The NFL, it’s true that it’s big. But when you realize that you are there to play football and win like in high school, CEGEP and university, you realize that it’s a league almost like the others, that it’s smaller that it actually seems like it.”

—  Sidy Sow

Except that the Patriots take up a lot of space in the Boston area. And there’s this pressure that he’s never experienced before.

“It’s more motivating than anything else. When I ride, I constantly see people with a Pats jersey on their back or a team cap on their head. All week, fans wait for the next match. When you get to the pros, you want to play in an atmosphere like that, you want to be part of something important. What’s nice is that the Pats also have a big fan club in my native Eastern Townships.”

And as for every game in Foxboro, there will certainly be people from the region this weekend when the Patriots host the Washington Commanders and Quebecer Benjamin Saint-Juste, another of the only three Quebecers to play in the NFL, in Gillette Stadium.


Clearly, Sidy Sow will never deny his origins. The athlete is very reserved, we know, but he is never asked to talk about what he experienced not so long ago in Granby, with the Incredibles.

“It all started there,” he recalls. I had the stature, but I was surrounded by coaches and people who believed in me and pushed me in the right direction. The beautiful values ​​associated with football are where I acquired them.”

According to him, the young people who evolve within the Incredibles program have the right to dream.

“I repeat, everything is possible in life. If you believe in it, if you work hard, anything is possible. And at the Incredibles, the young people are well supervised. It may not be the biggest and most renowned program in Quebec, but there are very good things happening in Granby, I know that.”

Like paving a young man’s path to the NFL.

2023-11-03 07:00:00


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