Standard Faces Must-Win Match Against Sint-Truiden After Defeat at Mechelen

After its crushing defeat at Mechelen (3-0), Standard has no room for error, against Sint-Truiden, this Wednesday evening at Sclessin (6:30 p.m.). In the event of another poor performance, the Rouches would plunge into crisis, which could be fatal for Carl Hoefkens.

Against Sint-Truiden, Standard wants to avoid another end-of-year defeat

For this important match against a Trudonnaire team which has four points more than Liégeois in the standings, the Standard coach is deprived of several players. Out with injuries in Mechelen, Nathan Ngoy suffers from a small tear in his hamstrings. He will be absent this Wednesday but his participation in the training is not included. Steven Alzate (sprained ankle) and Laurent Henkinet are also injured. The latter is affected in the cartilage of the knee. Depending on the treatment chosen, the winter course may be missed.

For Zinho Vanheusden, the evaluation is done day by day. He has trained in recent days but remains uncertain. No risks will be taken.

Excluded from Mechelen, Merveille Bokadi will be able to play this Wednesday. Standard has appealed its proposed one-match suspension to its defender. This appeal will be judged on Friday December 29.

Godeau returns to Sint-Truiden

On the Sint-Truiden side, Bruno Godeau is back from suspension and should be started. Van Helden, Delorge and Koita will be suspended from the next match (at Union, January 21) in the event of a new warning.

Follow Standard – Sint-Truiden live with commentary from 6:30 p.m.:

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2023-12-27 10:07:00
#Injured #rouche #tree #Bokadi #present #probable #compositions #Standard #SintTruiden #p.m


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