Telethon Olympiad 2023: A Community’s 18-Year Tradition of Solidarity and Celebration

Fabrice, Gilbert and Christian, Telethon Olympiad volunteers.

Published on: December 1, 2023

The Telethon within the Community of Communes of Montbenoît always offers that little extra that honors them. The 2023 edition is being played in Arc-sous-Cicon with an energy that can only be envied. Fabrice, Gilbert and Christian guide our steps in the organization.

With its decorations 3637 everywhere in the central alley, at the gates and doors of the houses, its panels representing the Olympic sports, crossing the town manifests a common desire: Here the 2023 telethon is held. “Every year, the 16 municipalities of the Community of Communes of Montbenoît benefit from great momentum in one place. A surge of solidarity and also to party, to get together” announces Fabrice Patoz, president of Telethon 2023 in Arc-sous-Cicon.

Gilbert Billot recounts the genesis of what would become a classic one year in one village, then the following year in another: “18 years ago, we organized a demonstration between CCM villages aspiring to have a party together. The idea then came to us to donate the profits to the Telethon. So the following year under the aegis of the association ” When we want we can “ the goal was to continue this gathering for the Telethon.”

The 2024 Olympic Games in France guided our choice of theme. “We hope to have a team of 8 to 10 people from each municipality, young and old, to compete in these Telethon Olympiads. Tug of war, bag jumping or other disciplines will be required. This should punctuate Saturday afternoon” explains Christian. This union of municipalities does not lack singularities. “ From year to year, the association keeps the same name, only the organizers change. Each village has a stand and always offers the same things. Examples: Saint-Gorgon-Main the Christmas logs, Arçon the hot toast or Gilley the champagne, Bugny the soup…” says Fabrice.

The new sports hall delivered recently is the ideal theater to be the heart of the event starting at 7 p.m. on December 8. “It has been more than three months since the people involved in ” When we want we can “ meet in small groups, either to go door to door to find materials, or to create panels and posters covering the town of Arc-sous-Cicon. In the hall, there are little flags that we put on the walls, it was these little hands in the shadows who made them” says Fabrice.

He, the firefighter, in order to spread the word about 3637 and the party in the sports hall, will take up the red thread challenge with the other volunteer firefighters, to cover the 16 municipalities, 65 km 28, to ultimately bring the Olympic flame back to Arc. “The flame is ours to avoid any misunderstanding. We are always surprised by everyone’s enthusiasm and generosity. The cheese cooperatives in the sector offer the cheese for the giant fondue on Fridays. A big pot taken care of by Jo d’Aubonne should delight fans. The Saturday morning gourmet walk will pass through certain farms where various activities will be held. We’re always looking for that little bit more” reveals Fabrice. “For 18 years now, at every meeting, there has been a boundless imagination. The Comm’ Comm’, which provides us with the sports hall free of charge, is always behind us, loyal like certain sponsors. We were even told that the benefits of our organizations had a national resonance, due to their amount in proportion to the number of inhabitants. And yes, when we want we can” insists Gilbert. The Telethon of the community of communes of Montbenoît has been going from commune to commune for 18 years in order to entertain and make the 3637 resonate.


2023-12-01 07:27:36
#Olympics #played #ArcsousCicon #Terre #Chez #Nous


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