The Charger that Saved the Transfer: Behind the Scenes of PSG’s Last-Minute Signing

The charger that changed everything. Recruited by PSG in the very last moments of the summer transfer window, French international Randal Kolo Muani long believed that his transfer would not succeed. But while the operation seemed to stall due to Hugo Ekitike’s refusal to join Frankfurt – the two movements were closely linked at the start – Paris and Frankfurt finally managed to find common ground on the gong, with a transfer greater than 85 million euros. This Wednesday, BILD also reveals the juicy behind the scenes of this operation, carried out in unusual conditions.

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We learn in particular that Axel Hellmann, member of the Frankfurt council, could have derailed the transfer due to a technical problem, while he was in a restaurant. Engaged in an endless series of phone calls with his advisors and President Nasser al-Khelaïfi, Hellman saw his phone battery drain. Happy to find a charger in a hurry, he was then able to complete the operation from a stool located near the counter, while the minutes ticked by. “It is still incredible to this day that a transfer of this magnitude could have been managed in this way and within such a tight deadline.he declared in comments relayed by BILD. The delicious secrets of the transfer window.

Pub. 12/27/2023 6:19 p.m. Updated 12/27/2023 7:47 p.m.

2023-12-27 17:19:00
#transfer #Randal #Kolo #Muani #played #phone #charger


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