The Detroit Pistons: A Struggle for Success Amidst a Record Breaking Losing Streak

If you learn more from losses than wins, the Detroit Pistons are on their way to reaching an unparalleled level of knowledge. The Michigan team fell this morning against the 76ers by 111-129 to chain 21 consecutive losses, a figure that equals the worst losing streak in its history that dated back to 1980. On that occasion, however, the games corresponded to two different seasons ( 79-80 and 80-81), while this time they are all the same.

Monty Williams’ men are now only seven losses away from equaling the worst streak in the entire history of the NBA, carried out in 2015 by the Process 76ers. These 76ers are also one of the three teams in history that have started a regular league with a worse balance than the current 2-22 of the Pistons, accompanied by the Mavericks of 93-94 and the Cavaliers of 70-71.

“I don’t want to see anyone happy with this situation,” said Monty Williams after the match. “I want to see a locker room that is tired not only of losing, but of missing shots and of them continuing to score 39 points in a quarter.”

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Intractable Embiid

And the problem with these Pistons is not so much in the number of defeats (that too) but in the ways. The Michigan team could not stand up to Philadelphia practically at any time, and they lost by up to 30 points and were subdued by a Joel Embiid against whom they could do nothing. The center left the match practically resolved with 30 points at halftime, and in the second half he managed to reach 41 before Nick Nurse decided to send him to the bench to rest.

At home, Bojan Bogdanovic tried to save the ballot with 33 points, but his efforts were once again in vain due to the absolute lack of support. Cade Cunningham reached 21 points, but he did so with a poor 5/17 in field goals (1/8 in triples) with which he continued a disappointing year from which few positive conclusions can be drawn. Those from Michigan will face the 76ers again this Friday, this time in Philadelphia, and things will have to change a lot so that this match does not become the 22nd defeat of this infamous streak.

(Cover photo: Gregory Shamus/Getty Images)

2023-12-14 09:00:00
#Pistons #equal #worst #streak #history


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