The Evaluation of Judo Technology in License 1: Practical Test No. – UFR STAPS of Nantes

Ludovic Beillouin, Stéphane Bellard, Nicolas Chevailler, Matthieu Guillot and Gildas Martin and – UFR STAPS of Nantes

Randori on the ground lasting 2 minutes, with at least 2 opponents of the same sex and of equivalent weight (pools of 3 or 4 students). The regulation is adapted as follows:

Goal Immobilize the opponent Conditions The two fighters wear a judogi (judo kimono) and are of equivalent weight (difference of 15% maximum). The first fighter called wears a red belt. The starting position is as follows: uke is on all fours, elbows on the ground; tori is sideways, hands flat on uke’s back. At the start of the randori, the lower ranking of the two or failing that, the lighter one chooses their starting status. Then, at each “matte”, the fighters return to this position, alternating the status of tori or uke. Fighters’ rights

Fights take place exclusively on the ground (one knee on the ground in the highest position). The fight continues as long as one of the two fighters has contact with the combat surface. The entry is made on the jacket, on the pants or on the belt. Fixed assets are recorded (not projections). If combat time ends during an immobilization, the immobilization must be timed until its end. The fight can continue until:

one of the two fighters scores ippon one of the two fighters gets up and shows stability on his supports the fight no longer progresses the fighters leave the combat area (no contact from either) tori deserves to be penalized Prohibited actions  Light faults: Grasping the head with both hands to immobilize Putting your fingers inside a sleeve or the bottom of your pants Putting your hand or foot in the opponent’s face Lacking combativeness (no initiative)  Serious faults: Inflicting a voluntary blow Strangling or performing a key voluntarily Dropping the opponent on the back of the neck if you get up with him Allowing yourself to be immobilized to give points to your opponent Counting the points

 Advantages: – Immobilization from 0 to 4 s: 0.1 point (kinza) – Immobilization from 5 to 9 s: 1 point (koka) – Immobilization from 10 to 14 s: 10 points (yuko) – Immobilization from 15 to 19 s: 100 points (waza ari) – Immobilization of 20 s: 1000 points (Ippon) Immobilization is counted when the following conditions are met: – Uke’s back is in contact with the ground and oriented towards the tatami (at worst , uke’s shoulder line can be perpendicular to the ground). – Tori is on top in shiho (sternal control), gesa (rib control) or ura (back control) position. – Uke didn’t surround one or two of Tori’s legs with both of his legs. – At least one of the two fighters is in contact with the combat surface  Penalties: – Light faults: the 1st gives 0.1 pt to the opponent, the 2nd cancels the 1st and gives 1 pt to the opponent, etc. The penalties follow one another and thus replace each other up to 1000 pts. The following penalty results in disqualification. – Serious faults: 1000 pts to the opponent, the 2nd results in disqualification (depending on the fault, the teacher will judge whether the student is authorized to carry out other fights)  Details: – In the event of disqualification, the The penalized student loses all of his points. His opponent cannot score more than 1000 pts per penalty, but these 1000 pts can be added to the points scored by advantages. – The loser always scores his points. – 2 waza ari (2 x 100 points) transform into ippon (1000 points).



Ludovic Beillouin, Stéphane Bellard, Nicolas Chevailler, Matthieu Guillot and Gildas Martin and – UFR STAPS of Nantes

Students are placed in a level, setting a grade range. The score is then refined based on the ranking, the scores obtained and the level of opposition within the group.

Randori evaluation grid on the ground

Guard Level Attack System Defense System


The emotional 0 to 4

Does not grab the judogi, places his hands on the opponent, often with his arms outstretched. Back away, flee contact.

Stay at a distance from the opponent to perform attacks without sticking them

Allows himself to be seized Fears the opposition Does not seek to regain the initiative


The madman 4 to 9

Grabs the judogi or grabs the opponent across the body forcefully, ineffectively. Runs out quickly

Persists in a type of reversal or immobilization, regardless of uke’s actions and reactions Does not use the reversal techniques taught in practical work

Pushes back outstretched arms Fidgets ineffectively


The 9 to 14 technician

Grips the judogi in such a way as to remove his opponent’s support, but often lacks the precision to exercise effective control. Find time to relax

Favor 1 or 2 reversal techniques which generally do not result in suitable immobilization. Uses the opponent’s reactions and can adapt to their placements and movements.

Seeks to regain the initiative by essentially exploiting his opponent’s placement errors


The strategist 14 to 17

Takes the time to control the opponent before launching an offensive or defensive action. Use your feet and hands to perform these checks

Moves uke or moves to create opportunities, often feints and connects. Has technical solutions for several defensive postures of his opponent. Reversals lead to effective immobilizations.

Seeks to leave the opponent at an optimal distance and in an optimal combat posture to be able to defend or regain the initiative.


The competitor 17 to 20

Imposes effective seizures in all circumstances and exploits all the opponent’s seizures. Has specific motor skills on the ground allowing him to position himself and move quickly on his knees, on his buttocks, on his back, etc.

Has diverse, precise and sometimes complex technical-tactical solutions, whatever its orientation in relation to the adversary Demonstrates great precision

Same + Provokes the opponent’s faults Is able to manage the fight when he leads and when he is led

2023-12-14 02:04:05
#JUDO #randori #evaluation #Ludovic #Beillouin #Stéphane #Bellard #Nicolas #Chevailler


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