The Impact of Shohei Ohtani’s Record-Breaking Contract on Major League Baseball and the Future of Player Salaries

This situation even put more than one in the position of reconsidering their agreements. But, beyond that, this whole issue became part of an unstoppable debate, many at a deep financial level.

Alex Rodriguezformer big leaguers with extensive experience in the majorstook advantage of a great space to talk about the topic.

It should be noted that the American with Dominican roots oriented his course towards the business field. He applied his knowledge in this world to the real estate sector. Him creating an emporium of utmost importance.

A-Rod detailed his thoughts on Shohei Ohtani’s contract

“It’s a great deal for the Dodgers and for Ohtani. But it’s not good for MLB and the other 29 owners. LAD raises $250 MM from TV each year and MIA $15 MM in the same league. Two teams make less than Ohtani per year. “That is not a sustainable model for a company”he indicated A-Rod.

Based on number and realities, Alex Rodriguez, focused his wisdom in this area. Pointing out a little the disparity of the same and the causes that it may generate in the future to MLB.

So the expectation remains latent of how Major League Baseball will be handled with these cases as the years go by.

Or if not, there will be the possibility of considering establishing a salary cap in the style of NBA.

2023-12-16 20:09:15
#ARod #assured #DodgersOhtani #agreement #good #MLB


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