WC hockey U20 | The son of a Czech legend in the opponent’s jersey. I feel like a hundred percent Canadian, says Oliver Bonk

Gothenburg (from our reporter) – At the beginning of the interview, he asks for English, but during the course he spontaneously switches to broken, but still easily understandable, Czech several times. “I understand everything, but I don’t talk much anymore, so it’s kind of going away,” smiles Bonk.

There is a good chance that you will meet a Czech team in the quarterfinals. What would it be like for you personally?

I have never played against the Czech national team. It would be special to meet Adam Židlický, with whom I grew up, because our dads played together and were very close. Even when I run into Czech or Slovak players in the club, it’s fun. I exchange a few words with them and they are often shocked that I speak Czech. (Laughs)

Have you ever considered representing the Czech Republic?

It was never very much on the table, because even if I wanted to, I would have to play at least two seasons in Czech competitions. That’s not very realistic. I feel 100% Canadian. Moreover, now that I can represent at this championship. I have a Czech passport, but its validity has already expired. And it would be too much work to go back just for that.

So you no longer visit Kopřivnica?

I try at least once a year, always in the summer. This year it didn’t work out because of the draft, but next year I will return to the Czech Republic at least for a while. I have very pleasant childhood memories there. I also remember Nový Jičín, where it is a cold but cozy winter. It was fun playing there with all my friends, we are still in touch. And above all, I have part of my family in the Czech Republic.

Now you enjoy her great support in the audience.

Grandma and grandpa also arrived. It’s funny to see him in a Canadian cap cheering us on. At the same time, he has his own farm in Lubina, he takes care of it carefully and does not leave it much, so it is special to have him here. During my free days, I also have time for my family.

Photo: Jiří Tomašković

Oliver’s father Radek Bonk finished his career in Třinec (archive photo)

When you called your dad and told him you were nominated, he was said to have been moved to tears. Is it true?

It wasn’t quite crying, but his eyes watered a little. He is happy for me.

Did he arrive in Sweden too?

Of course. He discusses a lot with me, we deal with hockey a lot. So far he is relatively satisfied, we have won two games out of three. But of course I have to work hard because he is very strict with me. He was kind of my second coach when I was younger. (switches to Czech) He was quite hard on me, but it helped me a lot.

Do you have any memories of his active career, during which he played almost a thousand games in the NHL?

I only remember Třinec, how they won the title in 2011. I remember being on the ice. That was very nice.

Why didn’t you inherit the position from him but move to defense?

When I was young, I started in attack. But then they put me on defense because… (switches back to English) …I could skate well behind.

Even as a defender, you collect over a point per game for the London Knights team in the Canadian junior OHL.

Yeah, we do well on power plays, I get a lot of space on the ice, they let me play, basically make the play. They give me enough freedom towards the front, which suits me.

Photo: Christinne Scham, ČTK/AP

Oliver Bonk congratulates his goalkeeper Mathis Rousseau on his clean sheet against the Latvians

Last year’s triumph at the Hlinka Gretzky Cup helped you a lot in the draft, where you were selected in the first round from the 22nd position by Philadelphia. What was it like in Red Deer back then?

I was very happy. We had a really great team. The Gretzky Cup clay means something more to all of Canada. That’s why I play hockey, we all want to have experiences from such big games.

And now you can repeat the success a category higher in the twenties.

We only take gold. That is our only goal. I think we have a good chance. According to some, we are probably not the biggest favorites, but we have an extremely high-quality team. A lot of great players who fulfill their roles very well.

You can also participate in the championship next year. Is there a big motivation to play in your hometown of Ottawa?

That would be great. So hopefully we’ll win it this year and I’ll be able to show up at home next year.

2023-12-31 12:14:47
#hockey #U20 #son #Czech #legend #opponents #jersey #feel #percent #Canadian #Oliver #Bonk


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