40th Anniversary of Castelli Romani Park: A Look Back and a Call to Action

Published: Saturday, January 13, 2024 – current affairs editorial team

ROCCA DI PAPA (events) – The press release

ilmamilio.it – ​​press note

The Committee, which established the Castelli Romani Park, thanks to popular support and the proactive referendum prepared at the beginning of the 1980s, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the park’s establishment, produced an assessment of the park’s work . Now the Promotion Committee for the Castelli Romani Natural Park has transformed into the “Nature & Territory Coordination of the Castelli Romani” and brings together, in addition to the protagonists of the birth of the park, also associations and individual volunteers interested in protecting the environment.

First of all, let us remember that the Park was born thanks to the will of its inhabitants, from scientific and political research work carried out by the committee which collected more than 7,000 signatures for the referendum proposing the establishment of the park.

The opponents of the park have always been property speculators and hunters, and their opposition caused the park to reduce its surface area already in the same year of its establishment, 1984, excluding important parts of the territory: from the Piani di Caiano to the Campi di Annibale halfway up the Artemisio mountain range. An insult that the world of politics has made in defiance of the popular will. So in the same year a victory, the establishment of the Park, and a defeat, the reduction of the surface area.

Only in 1998, after 14 years of struggle, we managed to regain the lost territories, including 45% of the forests that had been left out. But in those 14 years a lot of damage was done, from the building speculation that saw the Piani di Caiano, the Barozze area, the Campi di Annibale, the Velletri side of the Artemisio built over concrete. We remember that the objective of establishing the Park was the protection of the biodiversity present, which is still important today and with a specific index even greater than that of the Amazon. But the damage caused by human pressure does not end here, we were the first to report the lowering of water tables and the consequent lowering of lake levels with the disappearance of aquatic flora and fauna.

Meanwhile, our Coordination is in action and the next appointment will be Sunday 14 January for an excursion on forest emergencies on the Faete chain from 10.00 am and on 16 January for a seminar on forests and their protection in Albano Laziale at 6.00 pm until 8.00 pm at the FabricAlbano headquarters in via San Filippo Neri 15.

2024-01-13 12:27:46
#Castelli #Romani #years #Castelli #Park #budget #Foundations #Promotion #Committee


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