Andre Agassi Glows About Wife Steffi Graf at the Australian Open

Andre Agassi raved about his wife Steffi Graf on the sidelines of the Australian Open.

from SID

last edited: January 20, 2024, 5:03 p.m

Andre Agassi

The tennis icons, who have been married since October 2001, recently also share a passion for pickleball – and enjoy playing together in games of the ball sport that combines elements of badminton, tennis and table tennis.

“She just has it. Like always. She beats me in everything,” said Agassi in the Eurosport interview and added with a smile: “It’s perfect. I like hitting balls and she likes running. She turns it into training, and I’ll just hit a few balls.”

Agassi also gave a little insight into what living with the 22-time Grand Slam winner is like. “Steffi doesn’t need an alarm clock – she’s the alarm clock,” he said with a laugh: “That’s ‘German engineering’, German thoroughness – she’s always on time.” She gets up between 5:30 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. every day, and the American himself gets up “a few minutes” later. “I start the day a little more leisurely, but she is in top shape early in the morning,” said Agassi: “We enjoy spending time together in the morning hours.”

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2024-01-20 21:12:31


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