Anticipation Builds for the Italian Absolute 3D Archery Championships in Polino

TerniToday 22 August 2023

Anticipation is mounting for the Italian Absolute 3D archery championships, scheduled in Polino from 7 to 10 September. The Arcieri Città di Terni company has been working for a year to offer the best competition and accommodation experience to the over 1000 athletes and companions who will participate in the Assoluti which will have two local excellences such as AllFoods and EnerStreet as main sponsors. After organizing and hosting the ‘Rinehart World Archery 3D Championships 2022′ in the magnificent location of the Stroncone and Carsuale meadows, the Città di Terni Archers have decided to focus on another area, perhaps less known but no less spectacular: Colle Bertone . Here the archers’ village will be built and competitions will be held all around.

“We have found great collaboration from the Municipality of Polino – comments the president of the Arcieri Città di Terni Stefano Tombesi – the municipal administration together with the Pro Loco has also organized a traveling dinner for the evening of the 8th within the magnificent village reserved for to athletes and their companions. As a society we really believe in the power of sport to promote and enhance our territory.”

In the meantime, the large Arcieri Città di Terni family has expanded. The company has signed Lorenzo Gubbini from Foligno, one of the best archers in the compound specialty on the Italian scene. “With the arrival of Lorenzo we have taken a clear step forward in this specialty which, I remind you, will be an Olympic discipline with Los Angeles 2028 – explains Tombesi – as a company we have decided to invest in the compound both in terms of the structures and the sporting growth of our athletes”.

2023-08-22 07:00:00
#Polino #thousand #people #arriving #Italian #archery #championships


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