Asgu Archery Section Aims High: New Targets and Expansion Plans

Urzy. New targets for Asgu archers. The latest addition to the Asgu omnisports, the archery section is doing well, thank you! Created in 2019, and despite two complicated health years and a training site (the indoor bowling alley) which can chill more than one in the bad season, the club of president Alain Genre has around twenty loyal members of all ages .

Young people are well represented, and a new time slot is now entirely dedicated to them (every Thursday, from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.) where they can shoot archery or blowguns, a very popular activity. Other young people also got a taste of the activity, the Asgu tir having welcomed middle school students during midday interclass, during a school term.

During the general assembly which was held recently, in the presence of representatives of the two municipalities, officials returned to the various festive and sporting events in which the section participated, including the Ufolep departmental criterium in Saint-Benin-d ‘Azy. In addition to the old wood hall, archers can also train on the Côte à Bouillot field (owned by Asgu omnisports), where shooting ranges ranging from 18 to 40 m have been set up, as well as a 3D course (with animal-shaped targets).

For 2024, there are numerous projects: renewal of participation in various events, criteriums, but, above all, the organization, at the Urzy stadium, of a tournament open to regional clubs (Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Auvergne …), accompanied by demonstrations of the different archery activities. To be continued…

2024-01-20 04:00:00
#targets #archers


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