Beer, wine or cocktails: what makes you gain weight more?

Between beer, wine or cocktails: what makes you gain weight more? A legitimate question if it is true that during the various lockdowns during 2020 and 2021 the consumption if not the abuse of alcohol increased. To answer the question, a study conducted by the Cancer Council Victoria in Australia may be helpful which claims, among other things, that those who drink a bottle of beer every day, risks gaining 5 kilos in a year. And that to avoid the risk of contracting cancer, there is an ideal limit in alcohol consumption. but let’s go in order.

Beer, wine or cocktails: what makes you gain weight more?

Downing a bottle of beer every day, even just to relax after a day of work, intuitively has an impact on our organism in the long run. It is a rather intuitive concept: those who have this habit know well what the consequences are in terms of abdominal circumference. And in reality beer also has many advantages, as we have written (there are 11 reasons to drink a beer, besides the fact that it is good). The Australian team analyzed the quantities of calories present in different types of alcohol, from wine to beer to mixed cocktails, trying to understand the damage that can cause in humans. It is from here that the increase of 5 kg per year in those who regularly consume it was measured, complete with an explanatory video.

Read also: Do ​​alcohol and sport go together?

Which cocktails make you gain the most weight?

The academic team determined that alcohol poses a serious threat to weight (and health), especially when we mix it. If a 12° glass of red wine provides 456 calories, a 375 ml bottle of beer provides 641, a Cuba Libre cocktail (rum and cola) corresponds to over 500: whoever consumes 4 in one evening (in Australia this happens often, it seems) it’s as if he’s gorging himself on 20 chicken nuggets, or 3.5 cheeseburgers.

Comparisons with other foods help to understand the extent of the damage caused by excessive alcohol consumption: according to statistics, alcohol in Australia causes 3% of cancer cases.

Read also: 5 things not to drink before a workout

How many drinks a day should you drink to avoid gaining weight?

Alison McAleese, one of the authors of the research, explains that calories from alcohol are very quick to penetrate the body. This is why regular consumption of such drinks is not recommended. And this is why the document recommends drinking beers with a low level of carbohydrates, which would correspond to the concept of “healthy drinks”.

And above all, the recommendation is to do not exceed two drinks per dayand never more than 4 in a single evening.

Read also: 150 minutes of running or walking a week helps limit the damage of alcohol

Credits Photo: CC

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2023-12-31 08:17:45
#Beer #wine #cocktails #gain #weight


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